hours 9.00 |
Recording participants |
9.30 |
Institutional salutes |
Michele Emiliano Presidente Regione Puglia |
Antonio Decaro Sindaco Bari |
Giuseppe Meli Contrammiraglio Comandante Porto of Bari |
10.00 |
Pietro Spirito Presidente AdSP of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central |
"The strategic scene of the southern ports between the Mediterranean and Via of the Silk" |
10.20 |
Ugo Patroni Griffi Presidente AdSP of Mare Adriatico Meridionale |
"The role of Special the Economic Zones for the development of the southern ports" |
10.40 |
Massimo Deiana Presidente AdSP of the Sea of Sardinia |
"The crisis of the transhipment in the ports of the noon" |
11.00 |
Adriano Giannola Presidente SVIMEZ |
"Demographic evolution and development of the southern ports" |
11.20 |
Sergio Prete Presidente AdSP of the Ionian Sea |
"The southern ports decisive factor of development and industrial takeover" |
11.40 |
Andrea Cioffi Sottosegretario PUT |
"Industrial politics in Southern Italy" |
12 .00 |
Zeno D' Agostino Presidente Assoporti |
"The role of Assoporti for the valorization and increase of the southern ports" |
12.30 |
Edoardo Rixi Vice Ministro MIT |
"National politics for the southern ports" |
Journalist Francesca Cuomo moderates the event |
It follows Light Lunch |