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The government sends back the decisions on the great railway works to after the outcome of (ininfluenti) the analyses cost-benefits
To Genoa States general of the railway cargo
November 26, 2018
The analyses cost-benefits for the projects of the new great infrastructures under realization or about to definition are made and they will make, even if it is not clear if it will be the outcome of these appraisals to determine if to construct or less the works. This, in extreme synthesis, has been learned today in the course of the Forum of Pietrarsa, the appointment that represents states general of the transport goods for railway way, than this year is being carried out to Genoa.
These new analyses, strongly intentional from the governmental member formed from the representatives of the Movement 5 additional Stars and (more you deepen) regarding the appraisals made preliminarily to the definition and approval of every single project, is being carried out and will be capacities to term. Vice minister to Infrastructures and Trasporti, Edoardo Rixi, exponent of the Alloy has confirmed that is the political member who constitutes the other half of the government. From Rome, where he is engaged in the work of the Chamber of Deputies, taking part for telephone way to the convention he has asserted that the field of infrastructures is important, "but - he has specified - he goes estimated also in terms of cost-benefits". This is worth also for the Third Pass of Giovi, the new railway line to high ability whose scope is to connect from Liguria harbour system with the markets of the Italy North and Europe and that it takes part of the European infrastructural Corridor the Rhine-Alps. Rixi has specified that between some week there will be an official announcement on the outcome of the relative analysis to this project.
About Third Valico and TAV Torino-Lione the governmental commissioners - respective Iolanda Romano and Paolo Foietta - who charged have spoken about sovraintendere to the performance of the two works, evidencing that the numbers are a thing, but the choice to make or less these infrastructures - it has clarified the dimissionaria Iolanda Romano in agreement with Foietta, also next it to leave the assignment being to the unofficial signallings reached to it from the government - "depend on what we want", that is draft of a frankly political choice.
If of determination of political character draft, the realization of the Third Pass would not have to be to us doubts on carrying to term, work - it has announced Roman - that is to 26% of its performance: draft - it has emphasized in fact from Rome vice minister Rixi - of a fundamental work on which "the future of the Country is bet". But then - it comes to wonder - because to make a new analysis on the costs and the benefits of its construction? Because - it is the easy and obvious answer - politics are not never white or black, but almost always off-white or gray. In this case it is thriller-green.
To portend more precisely which it will be the color outcome of the re-examination of the costs and the benefits of the projects of the great works, and in particular of the Third Pass and TAV Torino-Lione, it has been the participation of Marco Ponti, former teacher of Economy of the transports near the Polytechnic of Milan and current adviser of the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Danilo Toninelli. Bridges have specified not to be able to anticipate the outcomes of the analyses in course. However the university professor, in numerous articles and recent and more ancient banns, has not never made mystery of its judgment much negative on the relationship cost-benefits of the great railway infrastructural works, works that - it has restated today - "are entirely at the expense of the contributors". Bridges have instead expressed an opinion more favorable to the connections for street way in consideration of the innovations in environmental field that are characterizing the field of the automobile and the road haulage.
Analysis cost-benefits those in course with the contribution of Marco Ponti who, according to governmental commissioner Foietta, could not that be of part since - has denounced - the formed working group in order to carry out them "does not represent a pluralità, but in fact it is a monocolor".
A monocromatismo that however - Foietta is reassured - could not that be diluted from the intentions of politics that never they are expressed with a single color when an entire palette is necessary - as very exemplified today from vice minister Rixi - in order to justify decisions of which it has not been convinced.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher