Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The president of Assologistica plaude to the initiative of the government turns to institute the Archives of infrastructures
Even if the task can seem arduous - it has emphasized Kind - is necessary to begin to monitor that which is the real infrastructural equipment and its effective state of health
January 31, 2019
The president of Assologistica, Andrea Gentile, plaude to the initiative of the government turns to institute national a Database of the public works. Taking part today to the institutional session of "Shipping, Forwarding&Logistics meet Industry", in course near Centro Congressi di Assolombarda Confindustria Milan Monza and Brianza to Milan, the representative of the Italian companies of the logistics, emphasizing the importance of infrastructures (roads, freeways, railroads, ports, airports) that - has found - they represent "the "skeleton" of a Country, that is that indispensable skeleton in order to allow it "to move" and "to make to move" its citizens and the goods", it has evidenced some of the "infrastructural evils" of Italy: "polarization of the transport on some great aces; concentration on the traffic via rubber regarding that on track; organizational inefficiencies of the railway system; difficult and laborious mobility in the Meridione in spite of the dynamicity of its ports; insufficient proclivity to the programming".
Kind it has observed that but, "after how much happened to Genoa last August and now the block of the Orte-Ravenna, the central topic for our Country becomes the mass in safety and the maintenance of the existing infrastructural works". The president of Assologistica therefore has expressed approval for the initiative of the government turns to create the archives of infrastructures: "I read - it has explained - from the recent document of the relative MIT to the Plan of Communication 2019 exactly: "In order to guarantee greater transparency and acquaintance for the citizens, trade associations and the local authorities the MIT will start the first national Database of public works (AINOP), been born with Decreto Genoa and introduced in October 2018, than thanks to the Iop, of a identification tax code of all the Italian infrastructures, will return the continuous monitoring of the public works possible. The real archives that finally, thanks to the technology, will be able to put in sharing the relative information to all the harbour bridges, viaducts, galleries, flyover, dams and aqueducts, ports and infrastructures, airports, public residential construction industry and others present works on the Italian territory, a real infrastructure census and public buildings. The Ministry, for 2019, will deepen also the topic of the dashboard of the public works, that it can be defined "blockchain of the yards", that will be profitable possible at a particular time to know and to share in full transparency the technical and accounting data of all the active yards on all the national territory"".
"Draft - it has concluded Kind - of initiatives that not can us that to find in agreement. And even if the task can seem arduous, it is certain that in some way it is necessary to begin to monitor that which is the real "infrastructural equipment" of our Country and its effective state of health, to the aim to give again force to that "skeleton" whose health is presupposed for the good health of the entire Country, of its economy and in order to allow it to be an actor of weight in the European and international assembly".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher