Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the 2018 traffic of the container in the terminals of Eurogate/Contship it is dropped of the -0,2% in Germany and the -6,0% in Italy
In the solo fourth trimester the German terminals have enlivened 2,0 million teu (+6.2%) and those Italians 1,1 million teu (- 0.9%)
February 11, 2019
In the 2018 harbour terminal that is under responsibility of the German group Eurogate, joint venture 50:50 between the compatriots Eurokai and BLG Logistics, they have enlivened a containerized trade pairs to 14,1 million teu, with a bending of the -2,2% on the year precedence that has been in small part determined from the light bending of the -0,2% of the traffic enlivened from the terminals in the German ports and measure greater decrease of the -6,0% of the traffic in the terminals in the Italian ports and from the reduction of the -4,2% in the other terminals foreign countries that take part of the group.
A total decrease of the -2,2% that has been generated in the first three trimesters of 2018, while in last part of the year the traffic has recorded an increase of +2.6% on the fourth produced trimester of 2017 from an increment of +6.2% of the traffic in the German terminals that has compensated a contained bending of the -0,9% in the Italian terminals and more emphasized marked decrease of the -39,1% from the other terminals of the group.
In entire the 2018 German terminals of the group they have enlivened a total of 7,6 million teu (- 0.2%), of which almost 5,5 million teu enlivened in the port of Bremerhaven (- 1.3%), 1,6 million teu in the port of Amburgo (- 3.0%) and 656 thousand teu in the port of Wilhelmshaven (+18.3%). In Italy, region in which Eurogate it is present through the participated Contship Italy of which it stops 33.4% of capital (remaining 66.6% is of the Eurokai), the traffic is piled at less than altogether 4,4 million teu (- 6.0%), of which 2,3 million teu (- 4.5%) enlivened from the Medcenter Container Terminal (MCT), branch of the Contship that enlivens the entire containerized trade of the port of Gioia Tauro, beyond 1,3 million teu (+0.8%) from La Spezia Container Terminal (LSCT) of the port of, 332 thousand teu (+5.6%) from Salerno Container Terminal (SCT) in the port of Salerno. Eurogate has not been profitable notices the consuntivi anniversaries of the traffic enlivened in the port of Ravenna from the Ravenna Container Terminal (RCT), than on the base of the preliminary esteem for entire 2018 it would have to be attested to about 182 thousand teu (- 1%), and of the traffic enlivened in the port of Cagliari from the Cagliari International Container Terminal (CICT), only specifying that this last harbour port of call quickly has the strong impact of the transfer of services of line in other terminals losing almost 50% of the traffic, traffic that in fact turns out to be is pairs to about 206 thousand teu (- 49%).
Last year the other terminals of the group in Portugal, Morocco, Russia and Cyprus have enlivened a total 1,6 million teu (- 4.2%), of which 137 thousand teu enlivened in the port of Lisbon (- 29.5%), almost almost 1,4 million teu in the port of Tanger Med (- 0.5%), 69 thousand teu in the port of Ust-Luga (- 7.1%) and 394 thousand teu in the port of Limassol (+14.1%).
Al enlivened harbour containerized trade from the terminals of Eurogate joins that of enlivened intermodal transport from the company that in 2018 has been pairs to 1,05 million teu (+2.8%), of which 655 thousand teu in Germany (- 0.5%), 311 thousand teu in Italy (+3.3%) and 81 thousand teu in Portugal and Brazil (+36.9%).
In the solo fourth trimester of the 2018 total harbour containerized trade has been pairs almost 3,6 million teu, with a rise of +2.6% on the correspondent period of the year precedence. In Germany handling total has been of 2,0 million teu (+6.2%), of which 1,4 million teu to Bremerhaven (- 0.1%), 415 thousand teu to Amburgo (+22.6%) and 208 thousand teu to Wilhelmshaven (+25.4%). The containerized trade in the Italian terminals is piled almost 1,1 million teu (- 0.9%), of which 555 thousand teu to Gioia Tauro (- 0.1%), 341 thousand teu to La Spezia (+1.4%), 82 thousand teu to Salerno (- 0.7%), 44 thousand teu to Ravenna (- 5.0%) and 42 thousand teu to Cagliari (- 22.0%). In the other terminals foreign countries the total has been of 104 thousand teu (- 39.1%), of which 19 thousand teu enlivened to Lisbon (- 54.7%), 366 thousand teu in the Moroccan port of Tanger Med (- 0.2%), 12 thousand teu in the Russian port of call of Ust-Luga (- 31.9%) and 100 thousand teu to Limassol (+12.7%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher