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Roncallo (From Liguria AdSP Oriental) has joined to the Committee of support to the Pontremolese
The port of - it has emphasized - could be still more competitive if the potenziamento of the railway line were put into effect
March 1, 2019
President of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Orientale, Carla Roncallo, has announced to have answered positively to the shipment of the member of parliament breaks Andrea Orlando and to have joined to the Committee of support to the Pontremolese, initiative promoted from the parliamentarian pidiessino that he has as objective that to act in concrete terms because of being realized the project of potenziamento of the railway line Pontremolese with the scope to realize a line to binary double quantity of connection between the tirrenici ports, the Po plain and Central Europe.
"The port of, in the within of the transport via railroad - it has emphasized Roncallo - turns out to be already competitive, with beyond 30% of goods that travel on train. We would be a lot more if we could count on a connection as what it could be guaranteed from the completion of the Pontremolese line, of which is discussed by now from years. For this I have joined with conviction to the proposal of the member of parliament Orlando".
The president of the AdSP has evidenced that the Pontremolese represents the true and natural connection of the ports of and Marina di Carrara with the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor, even if is classified currently as comprehensive, in the within of the European nets IT TRY, and that draft of a strategic connection of the railway axis La Spezia - Parma for the natural coupling of the node Core La Spezia and entire the hub logistic represented from the ports of and Marina di Carrara and from the retroporto of Santo Stefano di Magra.
"For this - Roncallo has explained - it would be favorable that in the next few years the two ports could count on an adapted connection, that would afford to ulteriorly develop handling of the goods on iron. To realize the connection La Spezia - Parma - Brenner would mean to guarantee efficient connectivity via train towards the North Italy and Centro Europa of one of the main gateways in Mediterranean area for Far East".
"In immediate - it has found Roncallo - the many they could be the smaller participations of cut, that they could be anticipated from RFI in order to improve the line that, even though today a lot impervia, is most important for our ports. Of this we would want to resume to discuss as soon as possible possible with RFI and the MIT and to make it all with, thanks to the initiative of the member of parliament Orlando which task that cannot that to help a profitable interlocuzione".
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