Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Uiltrasporti Sardinia proposes a review of the concession to CICT leaving to the current manager 500 meters of dock and assigning to the others 1,000 through contest
Zonca: from Contship an immediate sign attends in order to understand which are the intentions on the port of Cagliari
March 13, 2019
Uiltrasporti Sardinia asks the immediate opening for a crisis table on the port channel of Cagliari and an participation of the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Danilo Toninelli. "From beyond a year - it has denounced the labor organization - the summits of the terminal container of the industrial port outside work center or directly from Cagliari for the other terminals of the Contship group (the company that manages the terminal for containers inhabitant of cagliari CICT, ndr), carrying the professional know-how-how outside without via it is some fallen back positive for the terminal of Cagliari".
According to how much brought back in a report of the Uiltrasporti Sardinia on the crisis of the terminal inhabitant of cagliari, the general manager of the single terminal would withhold himself to Cagliari "for three days to the month in order then to leave at Tangeri and to develop the Moroccan terminal. The same one - according to the union - happens for the production manager, that administrative and for several other professionalities that for a long time go to spend the experience far from the Sardinia and continue to favor the increase and the development of concurrent ports, but making head to the same shareholder of majority".
The document of the Uiltrasporti Sardinia evidences as the container terminal of continuous the industrial port of Cagliari to live a period of deep crisis, with a traffic containers in dive that in 2018 has been of about 215.000 teu, with a reduction of the -50% regarding the 430,000 containers of 2017, year - it has specified the union - that had already seen a decrease of the -36% regarding the volumes of 2016. "2019 - it has observed the labor organization - do not promise bond nothing: the first two months of the year on a yearly basis demonstrate a projection of ulterior a -42% regarding 2018. On the whole, analyzing period 2016 - projection 2019, the financial ruin is attested to -82%. On the contrary - the report of Uiltrasporti Sardinia finds - it is in clearly increase the traffic in the other terminals managed from the Contship/Eurogate group in the Mediterranean, in particular those of Tangeri and La Spezia. In the period the 2016-2018 terminal Contship/Eurogate di Tangeri has seen to increase own traffics of beyond +23%, passing gives about 1.100.000 teu to 1.400.000. More or less same speech for La Spezia, with about +20%. On the contrary Gioia Tauro and above all Cagliari has recorded clearly a decrease of the job volumes, respective -15% and -68% in period 2016-2018. For the Sardinian port of call, as saying, the 2019 are still outlined in negative, to clearly of favorable turnabouts, a lot announced by the business summits, but that today they remain empty of contents".
Draft - it has emphasized the secretary of the Uiltrasporti Sardinia, William Zonca - of "numbers enormously negatives that risk to decree the final financial ruin of the Sardinian port of call, and that they cannot see the union to endure in Hush". Zonca has remembered that in the past few months the union had asked formally the minister for the Transports the opening for a table in order to analyze the situation of the port of Cagliari. "We are still - Zonca has announced - waiting for answers, while all politics shuts up. Sometimes some isolated consideration is raised, but the great part of the institutions seems not to cure itself of the future of the port".
Uiltrasporti Sardinia has remembered that "the work force of the port of Cagliari lives for a long time thanks to the social shocks-absorber, the Company of the Harbour Workers is failed, while several enterprises of the induced one have appealed to the redundancy fund and to solidarity contracts". "The situation - it has specified Zonca - is not more sustainable. We are in front of a social emergency that risks to explode from a moment to the other. From various parts it is supported that terminalista CICT is not in crisis, and that however it is not the case to speak about crisis until when the salaries of the workers continue to being paid. We consider that these are at least myopic considerations, daughters of irreconcilable positions with who he has indeed to heart, in unselfish way and not of part, the future and the development of the port of Cagliari and more in general terms of the regional and national economy and the future of the workers. The ports are nevralgici nodes for the economy immenser scales".
For Uiltrasporti Sardinia the occupational situation of the container terminal of Cagliari is not dissimilar from that of the container terminal of Gioia Tauro, also managed it from the group Contship Italy through branch MCT. "The crisis - it has explained the union - is yields of the same choices: by now old infrastructures on which for a long time it is chosen, being to that we see, not to invest, means of job obsolete and incapable to receive the more and more numerous mega-ships globetrotter. Strong doubts on the respect of constraints of concession, nonexistent development plan from by now too much time. But if to Gioia Tauro the social shocks-absorber have regarded the direct staff of terminalista MCT, to Cagliari all "is masked" contracting out in the time some harbour operating services, reason for which the currently formal crisis (at least that of the force job) does not regard terminalista CICT, but the companies of the induced one".
"They are chosen - Zonca - that we are hardly able to comprise, united to the total has contested absence of promotion and marketing of the port of call to international level by the terminalista. So much more if we relatively consider the trends of the last years to the traffics in the Mediterranean, returned for a long time to be heart of the exchanges between East of the planet (China firstly) and Europe/the United States Orientals".
"We believe - he has continued Zonca - than the port of Cagliari he has lost and he is continuing to lose numerous possible occasions of development and new customers or shareholders. From too much time he tries himself to make to second pass the axiom which only current shareholder of majority can give certainties on the future of the terminal. Us it seems a self-righteous affirmation, it is because the results of the last years (to Cagliari) not only say the contrary, is because we believe that it is a thin way to hold under scacco the local workers and institutions, under not even a lot veiled threat of lay-offs and crisis of the harbour system. They too much seem the same used methods to Gioia Tauro, held under scacco in order time and today probably to the terminus. He cannot himself - he has supported Zonca - be continued in fooling into believing that the transhipment it is dead and that the ports of call of shunting of the goods do not have future: enough to not certainly look to the ports of Barcelona and Valencia (to the center of the Mediterranean) in which in the 2018 they are enlivened respective 1,5 million and 2,2 million teu of single volumes transhipment, in not certainly voted contexts to this type of traffic, in strong operating congestion because at the best of their abilities, with ships in attended for days: that is the exact contrary of that it can offer Cagliari since quickly. We believe that the occasions are: the market is still in strong evolution and several international large groups must move theirs movements on the chessboards of the Mediterranean. In a context in which the port channel of Cagliari he has the best ones requisitioned in terms of geographic position (perfectly barycentric in the Western Mediterranean), a reduced distance from the great routes of navigation, enormous spaces of dock and storage of the containers, we consider that the moment has reached not to attend beyond. We would want to understand from the shareholder of majority Contship Italy which are the true intentions of the group and its parent company, the Eurokai German, on Cagliari, and from the minority stockholders CACIP (the Industrial Consortium Provinciale of Cagliari, ndr) if he intends to continue to exercise a role of second floor in the terminal or to make spokesman of the policies of development of the industrial area and the entire region. We would not want that same fighting political an economic fight/in Italian land, from who he tries to benefit the ports of the Europe North or some of the Mediterranean to discapito of other ports of call as Cagliari or Gioia Tauro".
Waiting for answers, and in order to tackle to the eventuality of lasting of the crisis, Uiltrasporti Sardinia has advanced an own proposal based on a rivisitazione of the spaces of concession and division of the dock: "against the volumes of traffic of last the three years - Zonca has explained - we consider that the spaces currently in concession completely are underused, since draft of beyond 1.500 meters of dock in which 200,000 teu are enlivened hardly. As an example, Contship manages to Tangeri a concession with about 800 meters of dock, in which the year enlivens 1.400.000 teu. The same one happens for Maersk, than in the Moroccan port of call it enlivens beyond 1.700.000 teu in 800 meters of dock. It achieves some that in a space of analogous mooring to that of Cagliari, two managers in competition between they enliven beyond three million containers the year. We wonder if it can be favorable for Cagliari see again the spaces in concession based on the traffic volumes leaving to the current manager 500 meters of dock and to call an international ban of contest for the others 1,000, verifying the eventuality that someone of the great world-wide players of the shipping is interested to make broken on Cagliari”.
Rimarcando that current one is a crucial historical period in order to pick the opportunity to throw again Cagliari and its port, to prescind from who it manages it, Zonca has concluded specifying that from Contship an immediate sign attends “in order to understand which are the intentions on Cagliari. We would want to comprise - it has clarified the secretary of the labor organization - if they exist today, or they have existed difficulty and impediments, and which are, that have hindered the plans of increase and development in the Terminal. Come Uiltrasporti always we have been ready, and still it we will be, to make our part in order to favor any process that unblocks definitively this situation of crisis in favour of an increase and development of what it is sure between the greater volani of the regional economy and the South Italy”.
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