Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The goods counterfeit constitutes 3.3% of the value of world-wide the commercial exchanges
They are pairs to 6.8% of the imports of the European Union. China and Hong Kong are by far the main points of counterfeited origin of the goods
March 18, 2019
3.3% of the value of the world-wide commerce are constituted by goods counterfeit and such percentage is in increase. It emphasizes a new relation of the OCSE and the Office for the intellectual property of EU (EUIPO) that it evidences as this phenomenon is increased constantly during the last few years even if the total volumes of the commercial exchanges have marked a stagnation.
The document "specific Trends in trade in counterfeight and pirated goods" that the value of the goods counterfeit that in the 2016 they have been object of seizure near customs of all the world piled to 509 billion dollars, in increase regarding 461 billion dollars in 2013 and pairs to 3.3% of the value total of world-wide the commercial exchanges (regarding 2.5% in 2013). Relatively to the single European Union, the value of the goods counterfeit constitutes 6.8% of the total imports of goods from European nations, with an increase of +5% on 2013. The precise relationship that these false values do not include the goods that they are produced and consumed in the home market neither the distributed piratati produced ones via Internet.
The relationship explains that the majority of the goods counterfeit seized during the customs inspections comes from continental China and Hong Kong. Others important points of origin include the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand and India. In the 2016 hit countries more from the counterfeiting they have been the United States, whose marks or patents regarded 24% of the seized counterfeit produced ones, followed from France with 17%, from Italy (15%), Switzerland (11%) and Germany (9%). Moreover also an increasing number of companies to Singapore, Hong Kong and in the emergent economies as Brazil and China are becoming objectives.
The little ones sent packages by mail or express courier constitute a channel privileged and in increase for the goods counterfeit. In period 2014-2016 the little ones lotteries have represented 69% of the customs seizures totals in terms of volume (57% via mail and 12% via courier), in increase regarding 63% in period 2011-2013.
The relationship evidences moreover that, beyond to an insufficient control of the little ones lotteries, other areas in which counterfeit administrative deficiencies they favor the commerce of goods they are represented by endorsements which prorated in does not confront of the special dealers and norms that discipline the zones of free exchange. In particular, OCSE and EUIPO have emphasized that the assessments have demonstrated that the zones of free exchange - where the economic activity is promoted by reduced taxes and customs inspections and tightening regulations less - can involuntarily facilitate the counterfeit commerce of goods.
"The commerce of goods counterfeit - it has emphasized the director of the OCSE Marcos Bonturi, in occasion of the today's presentation to Paris of the relationship with the director of the EUIPO, Paul Maier, and to the ambassador of the EU near the OCSE, Rupert Schlegelmilch - removes entered to the enterprises and the governments and feeds criminal other asset. Moreover it can endanger the health and safety of the consumers. The counterfeiters prosper whereby are a mismanagement. It is essential to make more in order protect the intellectual property and to face the corruption".
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