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Spediporto constitutes with EWS a society in the field of the control of the infesting animals and the fumigation
Port Quarantine Service is created
April 15, 2019
The association of the genoese shippers Spediporto has signed today an agreement with Dutch multinational EWS Group (Echo Solutions World), that it is specialized in the fields of the control of the infesting animals and the fumigation. The understanding has carried to the constitution of the society Port Quarantine Service Srl. "Our associates, and not only they - he has explained the association in a note - are harassed by immense problems in the field of the controls, have become the more important problem to face after infrastructures. In occasion of our last shareholders' meeting of it we have had confirmation, the topic is to the center of our attention and now also of our actions. The recent event of the Asian cimice, with which the Italian traffic containers towards Australia and New Zealand is put in knee, has convinced to us that it was the moment to take part in the segment of the controls to the containers being guaranteed the maximum of the quality, the technology and the professionality. So leader in the field has been born the idea to characterize an European partner and we have found it in EWS Group".
"We wanted - it has specified the general manager of Spediporto, Giampaolo Botta - the quality and the excellence of the Nordic ports, in order to agree that which are seen to Rotterdam, Amburgo and Antwerp, in order to propose it to our associates and, with they, to the port of Genoa. The genoese operators must on hand be able to have the same technology and quality of the operators of the North Range. After ours important experience in the field of the services with Consortium VGM and Spediservices Srl (that the social partner of EWS will be to all purposes and effects) wants that our associates can offer to own customers the best services and the highest professionality in order to avoid of incappare, as has succeeded this year, in exorbitant costs and deficit services. We want to create quality in order to support our associates in the market challenges. We will leave in the next few months with the services of fumigation and heat treatment of the containers, in order to contrast the Asian cimice, but we will not stop ourselves here. We have in the viewfinder many activities to propose, or because nonexistent in Italy, or because offered in a regime of monopoly and therefore very poor and dear. PQS - he has concluded Blow - must become a patrimony of all the shippers and operators, its services must increase the entrepreneurial quality of our field. We have numerous surprises in yard and in these months he will feel himself to speak very about we".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher