Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The new container terminal of APM Terminals to Savona I go will become operating on 12 December
Operatively it will occupy 401 people
April 29, 2019
Next 12 December will enter in activity the first 450 linear meters of dock of the new container terminal Goes Gateway of the port of Savona Vado Ligure that will be managed by the APM Terminals Vado Ligure, society integrally controlled from shipowning group Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk through terminalista enterprise Dutch APM Terminals, within a contract of concession of the duration 50-year-old. The from Liguria terminal, than previews will occupy 401 people operatively, will totally become operating in June 2020 when they could be used all the 700 linear meters of dock to which, thanks to backdrops of the depth of beyond -16 meters, will be able to land portacontainer the ULCS worse and per year has an ability to traffic of 900 thousand teu.
The date of start of the operating activity of the new vadese containerized platform is communicated today by the managing director of APM Terminals Vado Ligure: "it is - it has emphasized Paolo Cornetto - a great satisfaction to be able to announce the official date of opening of the terminal, after much time from its planning: we have still worked and we are working hardly in order to close the yard and to then dedicate us to the development of the traffics. I believe that all the territory attends the completion of the platform and wants that can trare of as soon as possible the benefits that will derive from its entrance in function".
"This participation - the vice minister to the Transports has declared, Edoardo Rixi, in occasion of the today's presentation of the new terminal - is a first important step ahead for throws again of the province of Savona, than during the last few years it has been found to face a situation of endemic and on the industrial side occupational crisis. I go Gateway, platform APM, to full regime, in 2020, will enliven altogether beyond million and 100 thousand one teu, with a intermodalità rate on iron of 40%. It is necessary - it has observed Rixi - than the works to sea proceed hand in hand with the development of the works to earth: we are working with RFI for the restructure of the railway line by Saint Joseph di Cairo and on the redefinition of the galleries between Genoa and Savona for the implementation of the railway ability in order to very guarantee to the ports of call of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western a penetration on the markets beyond current the 200 kilometers, with trains from 750 meters. Sul forehead of the practicability, we are working with Autofiori for the definitive planning of the highway tollbooth and the new road of fast sliding. The challenge is that to remain in the times that had been fixed and, if possible, to anticipate them".
«La costruzione del nuovo terminal container di Vado Ligure che si sta completando - ha evidenziato il presidente della Regione Liguria, Giovanni Toti - rappresenta un'importante sfida per la portualità italiana. Oggi finalmente siamo in grado di traguardare la fine delle opere, prevista a dicembre, per una piattaforma che sarà in grado di portare nuovi traffici e nuovo lavoro in un'area, quella savonese che sta affrontando numerose sfide produttive. Il nuovo terminal di APM rappresenta già l'apertura del nostro sistema portuale, genovese e savonese, al progetto della Via della Seta, in un'ottica di sinergia tra Genova e Savona con un'unica Autorità di Sistema che governa i due porti. Grazie all'investimento di APM Terminals verrà portata a termine, finalmente, un'opera che il territorio attendeva da anni in grado di generare nuovo lavoro e nuovi traffici intermodali che utilizzeranno il mare e la ferrovia. E anche se non è ancora a regime già oggi vi è un impatto positivo sul territorio, in quanto la piattaforma fa lavorare centinaia di persone e il piano di assunzioni che ci è stato illustrato prevede ulteriori importanti innesti di lavoratori con alte competenze, necessarie per gestire un terminal tecnologicamente molto avanzato che porterà notevoli benefici per tutti».
The president of the Authority of Harbour System of the Ligurian Sea Western, Paolo Emilio Signorini has guaranteed that the agency "will assure to this terminalistica truth so advanced a system of connection with the net of equally performing transport. He is under completion - he has explained - the new system of crosses street of access to the port while, in order to facilitate the flow of traffic generated from the entrance according to the terminal containers we have arranged an investment of 11,1 million euros for the planning and the execution of the work of adaptation of the superhighway that connects the terminal to the highway tollbooth of Savona, avoiding the lived one of I go, in attended complete the procedural phase for the realization of a tollbooth dedicated by Freeway of the Flowers. Already a passage for the automatic control of the convoys in exited income and from the port is realized, while AdSP and RFI have activated a job table in order see again the convention that regulated the railway operations between Doria Park and the port of Vado Ligure and to implement the projects of improvement of the draft (potenziamento systems and automation signaling). At last, it goes remembered that Decreto Genoa includes Vado Ligure between the areas of the previewed Logistic Zone Simplified of the port and back-port of Genoa, that will allow with the enterprises to have use of the facilities and simplifications for the development of the activities on the territory".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher