Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The port of Naples has established the own new historical record salary of traffic of the container
Altogether in the first trimester of this year the traffic of the goods in the ports of Naples and Salerno has been of 7,87 million tons (+3.2%)
May 13, 2019
To March 2019 having enlivened 69,500 teu, with a progression of +55.0% regarding March last year. The precedence record was marked in October 2009 with 57.000 teu. In terms of weight the containerized trade enlivened last month from the partenopeo harbour port of call is piled to 684 thousand tons, in increase of +50.6% on March 2018.
Altogether the traffic of the goods enlivened in the first trimester of this year from the ports of Naples and Salerno, that they are administered by the Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Central, has been attested 7,87 million to tons, with a progression of +3.2% on the first three months of 2018, of which 4,48 million tons to disembarkation (+0.7%) and 3,38 million tons to boarding (+6.7%). The traffic total in the field of the goods several has been of 6,31 million tons (+3.2%), included 2,89 million containerized tons of goods (+8.1%) totaled with a handling of containers pairs to 268.468 teu (+13.3%) - of which 166,519 teu to Naples (+32.4%) and 101,949 teu to Salerno (- 8.3%) -, 3,17 million tons of rotabili (+0.5%) and 244 thousand several tons of other goods (- 14.2%).
In the segment of the bulk the ports of Tyrrhenian Headquarters have totally enlivened 1,25 million tons of loaded liquids (+1.9%), all enlivened in the single port of Naples, between which 818 thousand producing tons of oil refined (- 3.0%), 319 thousand oil tons of producing gaseous, which liquified or compressed and natural gas (+0.3%) and 113 thousand tons of other liquid bulk (+73.1%). The bulk sand banks is piled altogether to 308 thousand tons (+9.1%), of which 106 thousand tons of cereals (+19.1%), 56 thousand tons of producing to metalworkers (- 12.0%) and 146 thousand tons of other bulk sand banks (+12.7%).
In the section of the passengers, the crocieristico traffic in the two fleeting of Campania ports has been of 21 thousand (- 6.5%), all enlivened to Naples of which almost 19 thousand in transit (+4.1%) and beyond two thousand to the disembarkation/boarding (- 22.0%), that of the fleeting ferries of 123 thousand (- 6.6%) and the traffic of fleeting local the marine services of 794 thousand (+10.1%).
Besides the containerized trade and to that of the liquid bulk, in the first three months of the 2019 single port of Naples it has enlivened 261 thousand tons of solid bulk (+7.1%), of which 106 thousand tons of cereals (+19.1%), 56 thousand tons of producing metalworkers (- 12.0%) and 99 thousand tons of other solid bulk (+8.6%), and 1,15 million tons of rotabili (- 9.9%).
In the single port of Salerno the solid bulk has attested to 47 thousand tons (+22.3%). Moreover the harbour port of call in the first trimester of this year has enlivened 1.26 million tons of containerized cargos (- 8.1%) and 2,02 million tons of cargos ro-ro (+7.6%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher