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The aerial cargo represents 22.6% of the value of export the Italian extra EU
A study of the Observatory Aerial Cargo evidences the gap between the Italian airport system and that of main competitor the Europeans
May 22, 2019
and, therefore, confirmation a fundamental field for the economy of Italy, traditionally vocato Country to the export and that ago of the quality of the own produced (Made in Italy) the key of own commercial success. It emphasizes "the aerial transport goods in Italy: main effectiveness and efficiency regarding competitor the Europeans", the first study realized in collaboration with Ernst & Young from the Observatory Aerial Cargo, the under way project last year from the Cluster Aerial Cargo constituted by ANAMA (National Association Aerial Agents Goods), Assaeroporti (Italian Association Airport Managers), Assohandlers (National Association Operating Airport Services of Handling) and IBAR (Italian Board Airline Representatives).
The study, that Observatory is introduced yesterday to Milan in the within of the convention "Aerial Cargo: we annoy! ", it had the objective to collect given on the two main Italian airports cargo - Milan Malpensa and Roma Fiumicino - in order to estimate of the competitiveness regarding the main European airport truths: Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt, Monk, Leipzig, Liège, Luxemburg and Zurich.
If the document evidences the consisting quota of value export the Italian extra EU enlivened from the aerial cargo, it emphasizes also as he is still large the gap between main the Italian system airport and that of competitor the Europeans: Milan Malpensa and Roma Fiumicino, in fact, enliven alone 7% of the goods European, while the first three airports - Amsterdam, Paris and Frankfurt enliven 55%.
The study of the Observatory Aerial Cargo tries to explain this difference analyzing and deepening some aspects that turn out to be determining for the competitiveness of an airport. In the first place the infrastructuring, that it sees Fiumicino and Malpensa relatively back markers to the number of the warehouses: only five to Fiumicino and six to Malpensa regarding of 50 Frankfurt Main. Modest also the dimension of the warehouses: 25,000 square metres to Fiumicino and 70,000 square metres to Malpensa regarding Paris Charles de Gaulle with 700.000 square metres. Moreover the airports of Fiumicino and Malpensa have wide margins of improvement on accessibility and services for truck and drivers.
An other since it deserves attention is the model of concession of the airport spaces: in eight of the 12 airports taken in analysis (to exclusion of those Italians, of Brussels and Zurich) the management of the ports of call is public or in strong public participation.
Relatively to the traffic flows, in terms of number of destinations Malpensa and Fiumicino they are placed at the bottom of classifies, respective to the last place (with 51 destinations) and to quartultimo the place (with 90 destinations) against Amsterdam Schiphol (431), followed from Paris Charles de Gaulle () and 364 Frankfurt Main (300). However, while Roma Fiumicino places itself to the last place for goods enlivened, Malpensa is placed to the seventh place of the panel is for goods totals is for goods in import and export, evidencing an increase in the last decade of +6.9%, the third highest one made to record from the ports of call of the panel after Leipzig Has them (CAGR +9.8%) and Paris Charles de Gaulle (CAGR +8.4%).
The study analyzes also to the operativity and the services of the airports, finding that Fiumicino and Malpensa are placed on levels of saturation respective of 66% and 60%: a positive data that it indicates as the two airports still have a potential ability respective to 34% and of 40%. However the two airports only offer the service of H23/7 Customs for electronic clearances. Over the average, instead, the cover guaranteed regarding the special services for goods.
For when it regards the investments emerges the positive data of Milan, to the first place for number of infrastructural initiatives between the airports of the panel. Little, instead, the initiatives in digital within near the port of call of Fiumicino.
"With the project of the Observatory - Marina Marzani has explained, ANAMA president - we want to give voice to the aerial cargo, that it represents a niche of a field, that of the transport goods, than although leaps little to the honors of the report is fundamental for the competitiveness of a Country. A voice that makes of the data own force and own authority". "This first study - it has observed Marzani - gives back a picture in chiaroscuro of our main airports: some aspects of quality and many others on which to work, public and private entirety, in order to improve: firstly the infrastructures, indispensable for giving to services to the goods and the trucks (tracks, warehouses, parkings, roads of connection, etc.) and an increment of the routes served, in order to increase the traffic flows. Moreover, an acceleration in the digitalisation of the processes is necessary, that it would allow a greater efficiency and reliability in the management of the flows informative physicists and between the operators of the row. In particular, it is necessary to promote in Italy I use it of the aerial consignment note electronic (e-AWB), that it sees Malpensa and Fiumicino to the last places in I confront European".
"I consider - the general manager of the National Agency for Civil aviation (ENAC has asserted), Alessio Quaranta, in its participation - than, in terms of public policies, a field as that of the aerial cargo, in increase and to high added value, needs an approach ad hoc (than in other European Countries it exists), than of it considers the specificity: the elevated quality of the transported produced one needs fast times of management and delivery, second the requirements of the market. This aspect goes comprised from the operators private publics and when the participations of development of the ports of call are planned (simplification of the processes, services, infrastructures). Creed is as well as work to do but, as I said, the road is traced: this study supplies us clear indication of the objectives and the road to cover. To make team has been fundamental in these years and it will be still more from now on. We attend the study of the next year in order to know which will have been the steps ahead made from the system of the aerial cargo in Italy".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher