Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Slowly of potenziamento of the container terminal AGCT of the port of Rijeka
In program the means dredgings and acquisition of handling
June 10, 2019
The terminalista group Philippine International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has announced the performance of a plan of potenziamento of the container terminal in the port of Rijeka that is managed by the Adriatic Gate Container Terminal (AGCT), joint venture that is participated to 51% from ICTSI and 49% from the Croatian Luka Rijeka. The program, than second the forecasts will be carried to term to half 2020, previews the performance of a plan of dredgings in two phases, of which the first already approved of that it will allow to deepen the next backdrops 438 meters of dock being carried them to -15 meters and allowing with the terminal to receive portacontainer of the length until 400 meters. The second phase previews to deepen ulteriorly these backdrops carrying them to -16,5 meters.
Moreover the Croatian terminal will be equipped of new super cranes post-Panamax, with a sbraccio in a position to operating at least on 24 lines of container, new cranes to portal on rubber and of other means of large square. To this the works in progress, that they will be completed in the last trimester of this year, for the potenziamento of the railway terminal of AGCT join in order to reach a annual ability pairs to 360 thousand teu.
Al term of the participations the annual ability to traffic of the terminal will be pairs to 600 thousand teu. Moreover ICTSI has evidenced that once completed this project will make of the AGCT the first container terminal of the northern Adriatic being able to receive long portacontenitori until 400 meters, wide until 59 meters and of the ability until 20.000 teu.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher