Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In according to trimester of this year traffic of the goods in the port of Ravenna it has grown of +1.5%
In increase goods several and liquid bulk. Decrease of the bulk sand banks
August 2, 2019
In according to trimester of this year traffic of the goods enlivened from the port of Ravenna it has grown of +1.5% attesting to 6,93 million tons regarding 6,30 million tons in the period April-june of 2018, rise that is determined by increases of the volumes enlivened in the several fields of the goods and of the liquid bulk that they have more than compensated the recorded decrease of the -3,1% in the segment of the solid bulk. In this last section tons are enlivened 2,76 million, of which 1,45 million tons of minerals, oleaginous concretes and soccers (+0,2%), 591 thousand tons of alimentary commodities, feeds and (- 1.7%), 336 thousand tons of cereals (- 19.7%), 93 thousand tons of coals and lignites (- 5.7%), 20 thousand tons of producing to metalworkers (+21.2%) and 21 thousand tons of other cargos (- 6.3%).
In according to trimester of the 2019 the goods several has totaled altogether 2,94 million tons (+6.1%), included 646 thousand containerized tons of goods (+1.3%) realized with a container handling pairs to 57.815 teu (- 1.9%), 401 thousand tons of rotabili (- 2.4%) and 1,90 million several tons of other goods (+9.9%). The traffic of the liquid bulk is piled to 1,23 million tons (+1.2%), of which 531 thousand producing tons of oil refined (+8.9%), 199 thousand tons of chemicals (- 6.8%), 112 thousand oil tons of producing gaseous, which liquified or compressed and natural gas (- 32.3%), 67 thousand tons of crude oil (- 13.3%) and 323 thousand tons of other cargos liquids (+20.3%).
Totally in the period April-june of this year the traffic of the import goods has been pairs to 6,00 million tons (+2.2%) and that of export of 931 thousand tons (- 2.7%). In the field of the passengers, the traffic of the crocieristi has been of 8 thousand unit (- 29.3%).
In entire the first ravennate semester of the 2019 port it has enlivened altogether 13,33 million tons of goods, with an increment of +1.6% on the first half last year, of which 11,52 million tons in import (+1.6%) and 1,81 million tons in export (+1.1%). The total of the goods several has been of 5,73 million tons (+5.6%), of which 1,25 million tons of goods in container (+1.5%), traffic that in terms of enlivened containers from 20 ' has turned out pairs to 109.974 teu (- 0.3%), 798 thousand tons of rotabili (- 1.0%) and 3,68 million tons of other cargos (+8.7%). In the section of the liquid bulk tons (- 1.7%), included 974 thousand producing tons of oil refined (+16.3%), 397 thousand chemicals tons of (- 11.3% are counted to consuntivo 2,27 million), 215 thousand oil producing tons of gaseous, liquified or compressed and natural gas (- 34.5%), 85 thousand tons of oil crude oil (+10.2%) and 601 thousand tons of other liquid bulk (- 3.1%). The total data of the bulk sand banks has been of 5,33 million tons (- 1.1%), with minerals, concretes and soccers that are piled to 2,53 million tons (- 0.7%), alimentary commodities, feeds and oleaginous to 1,06 million tons (+11.4%), cereals to 743 thousand tons (- 23.5%), coals and lignites to 120 thousand tons (- 22.5%), produced to metalworkers to 65 thousand tons (+118.1%), chemicals to 32 thousand tons (+214.3%) and other solid bulk to 784 thousand tons (+7.5%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher