hours 9.15 |
Acceptance participants |
09.45 |
Salutes to the participants |
DANILO MARGARITELLA, Secretary Generale UIL Milan and Lombardy |
ANTONIO ALBRIZIO, Secretary Generale Uiltrasporti Lombardy |
10.00 |
Relation to the debate |
ANGELO COTRONEO, Segr. Reg. Uiltrasporti Lombardy delegation to the iron |
Dr. Studious ANDREA APPETECCHIA of Transports |
Moderator ROMAN Dr. MARCO TO Isfort |
Participants: |
On. ALESSANDRO MORELLI Pres. Comm. Transports Poste and Telecom. |
On. MATTEO MAURI Vice Ministro |
Avv. ATTILIO FONTANA Pres. Lombardy Region (waiting for confirmation) |
Dr. ALBERTO CIRIO Pres. Piemonte region (waiting for confirmation) |
Dr. GIOVANNI TOTI Presidente Regione Liguria |
Dr. IVANO RUSSO Direttore Generale Confetra |
Dr. MARIO SOMMARIVA General Segr. ADSP of Mare Adriatico Orientale |
Ing Responsible ROSA FRIGNOLA Sviluppo and Territorial Commercializzazione North the West Commercial Direction of RFI. |
Prof. OLIVIERO PODS Coordinator Master in economics of the Transports and Logistics University Bites |
Dr. LUCA RUSSO Esperto of strategies and investments to international level |
13.00 |
Closing works |
CLAUDIUS TARLAZZI Secretary Generale Uiltrasporti |