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The Liguria Region asks the government an extraordinary plan for participations on from Liguria freeways
Confetra prompt Liguria a "Marshall plan for the Liguria". Conftrasporto-Confcommercio evidences that the current only outlet is Brenner established quotas
November 26, 2019
the collapse happened Sunday of a feature of a viaduct on the freeway A26 Turin-Savona, event that tragic collapse of the highway viaduct Morandi happened to Genoa to half of the 2018 follows today that it had caused the dead women of 43 people, the president of the Region Liguria, Giovanni Toti, has asked the government the adoption of an extraordinary plan of participations on from Liguria freeways certifyd by a company third characterized from Liguria Region and paid from REELS - Freeways for Italy in order to know really the situation. Moreover Toti has asked the total gratuity for from Liguria freeways and the opening of the tollbooths until the end of the emergency let alone an extraordinary plan for the recovery of the secondary practicability to be carried out with the commissariale structure that is under responsibility of governmental deep financed Liguria Region and with that it is gone to add to the demand already sent for extension of the state of emergency, consequent to the last red alert, that it comprises the sums urgencies, the sanitary expenses and the damages to the private ones. And then additional trains in order to guarantee pendular mobility of and students of the Val Bormida.
After the closing of the A26, decided yesterday from Freeways between the interchange of Masone and the connection with the A10 to Genoa, and reopened to a lane for every sense of march this morning to 10,30 upon request of ministra to Infrastructures and Trasporti, Paola De Micheli, after a reunion with REELS, the president of the Region has sent a letter to the government in order to emphasize the gravity of the situation that has been come to determine in Liguria, a region - he has evidenced - that turns out isolated and that "it has returned to years ‘30". "I already waited for me - it has specified Toti - a positive answer from the Ministry of Infrastructures in the next hours, or and also from REELS because it is not possible that to pay they are from Liguria ones".
"A viaduct closed to the evening and reopened to the morning - Toti has denounced - gives the idea of a ship without nocchiero. He is obvious and justifiable the worry of the citizens of the territory. Considering that the Ministry of Infrastructures has not never answered to the numerous letters that we had sent about the carried out inspections and the ammaloramento of the viaducts. It worries in fact that the MIT in its reports had not never beckoned the two viaducts considered to risk, Fado Nord and the Pecetti south, that they have determined the decision to close the A26".
While the Region has announced that esteem in 50 minutes the delay of the Tir in order to reach Genoa, considering that many have not even left and others are stoccati in appropriate areas and have renounced to the race, and that the decrease of the traffic is estimated of 30%. Evidencing that, considering that this would have to be a period in which the traffics they grow also for via of the Christmas, the damage would be already enormous, Toti has expressed the auspice "of having here the government in the short possible time, for having answers on the extraordinary plan of the viaducts and on deep secondary mobility with the necessary ones".
Also from Liguria representation of the Italian general Confederation of the transports and the logistics (Confetra) has emphasized as "the contemporary closing of A6 and A26 has put dramatically to knot the embrittlement and the inconsistenza of the system of infrastructures in Liguria". Confetra Liguria has remembered that, "still lacking in modern and adapted railway connections, the Liguria depends in wide measure from four guiding highway ones that crosses it and they connect it with the remainder of Italy and Europe. Congested, lacking in the third lane and in many cases also of the emergency lane, structurally antiquated and with many situations of potential risk, as the age of construction of the viaducts is dangerously near what the endurance limit of the reinforced concrete is being revealed, if not subordinate to regular maintenance operations".
In order to tackle to a scene that Confetra Liguria defines "post war", the president of the regional representation of the Confederation, Alessandro Laghezza, have sped up setting up of a real "Marshall plan for the Liguria": "if we want that our portualità becomes the hub logistic of Europe, but also simply that our goods and our citizens travel freely - has explained - are necessary to place in being real a slowly extraordinary one, of magnitudo pairs to that post according to world-wide conflict, for infrastructure from Liguria, he is railway that street".
"It is necessary - it has added Laghezza - to put in travalichi field a plan that the fast completion of the Third Pass and that it comprises until from quickly, always remaining in railway within, the doubling of the railroad with France and the Pontremolese railroad. Regarding the freeways, these go subjected to imposing work of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, that they arrive also to the definition and realization of drafts alternatives that replace those mainly inadequate for planning and conservation. The new Morandi and Gronda - it has clarified the president of Confetra Liguria - are indispensable, but as they reveal the tragic events of these days, not sufficient. The Liguria will be able to only raise the head when it is equipped of a road and railway net to the height of own role in the Italian economy. The resources - it has concluded Laghezza - are, are necessary to mobilize them in the knowledge that collapse of the Morandi and the events of these days are alone the first sign of the isolation that, in absence of resolutive participations, attends to us in future".
Also Conftrasporto-Confcommercio has expressed worry for the isolation of the determined Italian North-west from these emergencies and this morning the confederation has sent a letter to ministra De Micheli explaining that the isolation of the region, from the Liguria to the Piemonte and not only, is multiplying to excess the demands for participation by the transport enterprises that ask at least that the line of Brenner is freed by any obstacle to the circulation freedom.
"This situation - it has observed the vice president of Confcommercio and Conftrasporto, Paolo Uggè - risks to generate the most remarkable damage in a period in which the traffic increases. On 2 December the minister will be to Brussels in order to meet the new European commissioner to the Transports. Between the topics that will face there will be also the issue of the prohibition to the Brenner that the government Austrian-tirolese thinks to introduce regarding the goods Italian whom they must exit from that border". "As it very knows - she has written Boredoms to De Micheli - the goods Italian endures, from these contingentamenti, a damage pairs to 170 million euros for every lost hour, to which they join 200 million lost in terms of competitiveness of the productive system. Of it we have spoken also in the course of the encounter recently had between she and the associations of the road haulage. Al gives quickly from our enterprises to Brenner, joins not only that provoked from the bad weather, but also the "cargo from ninety" of the work that previews the closing of the White and the operations of maintenance to the Frejus. We are sure - he has concluded the vice president of Confcommercio and Conftrasporto - than, in the course of the encounter with the European commissioner to the Transports, minister De Micheli will know to represent the drammaticità in which our Country is found, species in a moment in which the fluidity to the pass of Brenner he is determining".
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