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Support of Assoporti to the proposal of simplification for the coordination of the ZES and ZLS
The AdSP of the Southern Adriatic has illustrated to the representatives of Chinese CCPIT the which put on instruments of the foreign investor from the Adriatic interregional ZES
December 6, 2019
The Association of the Italian Ports (Assoporti) has full express support to the proposal of simplification of the procedures and the regarding norm Special Economic Zones (ZES) and Special Logistic Zones (ZLS) that it is sent by the E regions the Authorities of Harbour System of the South to the minister of the South and the Territorial Cohesion, Giuseppe Provenzano. , proposal that previews a meaningful simplification, reducing lessened the permissions and the necessary authorizations to the enterprises that they will be installed in areas ZES and ZLS.
To sign the package, besides the Region Molise that has transmitted it formally to the minister, the Abruzzi Regions, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Marche, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily and all the Authorities of Harbour System presents in these areas.
"Assoporti - the president of the association has explained, Daniele Rossi - totally supports the proposal sent to minister Provenzano and considers is the right roads in order to return the ZES and the ZLS effective. We consider essential to begin a distance of normative simplification in order to allow the necessary for the increase of the logistic competitiveness and harbour infrastructural development of the Country".
While, in topic of Special Economic Zones, last night in the center of Bari of the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Meridionale the president of the agency, Ugo Patroni Griffi, has met a delegation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in order to illustrate the which put on instruments of the foreign investor from the Adriatic interregional ZES. In the course of the encounter Patrons Griffi it has spoken about the introduced normative innovations from Special the Economic Zone, an intentional series of instruments and facilitations in order to open the ports of the southern Adriatic and the territories falling back in the ZES to new markets and ulterior possibilities of I throw again for the economy of Southern Italy.
The AdSP of the Southern Adriatic has announced that by the encounter it is emerged that the mainly attractive fields for the Chinese investor are: agriculture and foods (for example the olive oil); port and logistics; biopharmaceutical; high technology of the information (as 5G and Smart City); tourism and hotel industry.
"From some years - it has observed Patrons Griffi - the Chinese approach towards Italy and the basin of the Mediterranean, framed in the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is esponenzialmente spreading. If on one side the ports of the North are considered doors of access to continental Europe, from the other our ports of call, thanks to the connections with the railway net and to the action of potenziamento of infrastructures and services that we have managed, they can be the just takeover is in order to start at the market European destined productive activities, is in order to serve a wide slice of the Italian market. Of this and the wide fan of opportunity supplied from the facilitations introduced from the ZES we have spoken with the Chinese delegation that has shown itself careful and interested. The Country of the Dragoon can bring ulterior overhong to the process of throws again economic of our territories. We, from the song ours, in this context in continuous evolution, cannot leave us to escape the opportunities deriving from the increase of the feederaggio that could be generated from the ports of the Mediterranean in a position to receiving the meganavi of new generation".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher