Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the alpine transit - Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti denounce - the tirolesi companies are benefitted
Contested the declarations of the committee of Tirol
March 4, 2020
Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti second contest the declarations of the committee of the Tirol which the prohibition and the applied limitations of transit in the Austrian Land are fair and they do not provoke some distinction on the base of the origin. For the Italian camerale system, this does not correspond to the truth.
Analyzing the tirolesi no thoroughfares - they have explained the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce and the society of the camerale system in support of the development of transports, logistics and infrastructures - it turns out a distinction between the transports with origin or destination in Tirol and the traffic of transit, for which the limitations they are decidedly more rigid. For example - they have specified - according to the sector prohibition of circulation, until on December 31, 2019 a transport between Trento and Monaco of Bavaria could only happen with vehicles Euro YOU, while on the distances from Trento to Innsbruck or Innsbruck to Monk Euros IV could travel also vehicles, which provoke one nitrogen oxide pollution (NOx) advanced of 88%.
Many enterprises altoatesine, some thirties and Bavarians - they have found Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti - have put into effect meaningful investments in order to renew the park vehicles with average Euros YOU, than but from first January 2020 they cannot more travel if they transport goods subject to the prohibition, unless they are not registered after on August 31, 2018. However, demonstrating of having the cargo or the drainage in Tirol vehicles can also be used Euro V, that they emit 80% in more than oxides than nitrogen and therefore they pollute very more. Only beginning from 2023 also the transports with origin and destination in Tirol will be subject to the same limitation.
He is obvious - Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti have denounced - than the distinctions exist and that to benefit some it is the tirolese entrepreneurial system, as the enterprises with center in Tirol they can use older and more polluting vehicles, making useless therefore the environmental aspect of the prohibition. Moreover, the conveyors with center in Tirol can offer services that the Italian and German conveyors could not carry to term because of the limitations.
This - Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti have announced - is found also through a recent investigation realized from Uniontrasporti near the enterprises of long production the axis of Brenner, from Bolzano to Modena. 46% of the involved companies - they have specified - report of a lengthening of the times of delivery because of tirolesi prohibition, 32% note also an increase of the cost of the produced ones. 22% of the companies fear a greater exposure to the competition of suppliers of other European Countries that do not cross Tirol in order to reach own customers. Regarding the park vehicles, for about a quarter of the companies the percentage of means not more usable because of the prohibition varied between the 50 and 100% and choice of a way alternative to Brenner would affect the costs of beyond the 30 percent.
The RoLa, the travelling freeway - they have specified moreover Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti - still does not turn out as a efficient alternative because of the long times for the operations of cargo and drainage. 11% of the interviewed companies also have asserted to have received offered for the supply of services of transport by tirolesi enterprises of transport and Austrians, which take advantage not to be subject to the limits of the sector prohibition. Draft mostly of enterprises localized in the Provinces of Bolzano and Trento.
Unioncamere and Uniontrasporti have concluded emphasizing that the Italian camerale system considers that along the axis of Brenner they go found combined and fair solutions for all, than does not provoke to a distortion of the competition or distinctions between the tirolesi companies and those which do not have center in Tirol. To such purpose - they have specified - the Italian camerale system supports and shares the position of the EU commission and the Italian government.
Updated picture of the measures of prohibition in Tirol (a)
Measures of prohibition
Euro IV
Euro V
Euro YOU (before 31/08/18)
Countries EU
Origin or Tirol destination
Countries EU
Origin or Tirol destination
Countries EU
Origin or Tirol destination
Prohibition transit average heavy
Prohibition sector transit
already active
already active
Prohibition night transit
already active
Prohibition transit weekend
For means directed in Germany or Italy prohibition which extended to the saturday morning in January and February
Prohibition refueling for TIR in transit
In order to avoid the phenomenon of the refuelings along the ordinary practicability, Freeway of the Inn) and A13 is instituted a contextual prohibition of escape from the A12 ((Freeway of Brenner of heavy means) near the escapes of Innsbruck-South and Fritzens/Wattens. The traffic of origin and destination is excluded by the prohibition.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher