Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Coronavirus, new dispositions to who it re-enters in Italy
Arranged also organizational measures that must adopt carriers and shipowners
March 30, 2020
Saturdays the ministers of the Health and Infrastructures and Transports, Roberto Speranza and Paola De Micheli, have signed a decree that specifies the organizational measures to which same saturday anyone must be subordinate enters in Italy through transport of overhead line, marine, lacuale, railway or terrestrial and measures that must adopt the carriers and the shipowners to the aim to contrast diffusing itself of the epidemiologica emergency from Covid-19.
The decree establishes that anyone arrives in the national territory is held to the action of the boarding to deliver to the carrier a declaration that, clearly and detailed, specifies the reasons of the travel, the complete address of the dwelling or the dwelling in Italy where the period of sanitary surveillance and the fiduciary isolation will be carried out, the private means or own that will be used in order to reach it and mobile a telephone delivery also near which receiving the communications during the entire period of sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation.
The people who make income in Italy, even if asymptomatic, they are obliged to communicate it immediately to the Department of prevention of the competent sanitary company for territory and are subordinates to the sanitary surveillance and the fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days near the dwelling or the dwelling preventively indicated to the action of the boarding. In case of insorgence of Covid-19 symptoms, they are obliged to signal it with timeliness to the sanitary authority. If from the place of disembarkation of used means of transport of line it is not possible to reach the dwelling or the indicated dwelling, the competent sanitary authority for territory immediately informs the Regional Civil Protection that, in coordination with national the civil Protection, determines the modalities and the place where to carry out the sanitary surveillance and the fiduciary isolation, with expenses to exclusive cargo of the people subordinates to such measure. Same the prescription must be continuations also from which they enter in Italy through means own or private.
With the exception of the hypotheses in which there is the insorgence of Covid-19 symptoms, during the period of sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation is always allowed with the people to proceed to a new period of sanitary surveillance and fiduciary isolation near another dwelling or various dwelling from that marked one to the sanitary authority, transmitting to same the declaration previewed with the indication of the route that agrees to carry out and the means that will be used. The sanitary authority immediately forwards it to the Department of territorial competent prevention for the controls and the verifications of competence.
The decree arranges that the carriers and the shipowners acquire and verify before the boarding the documentation, supplying to the measurement of the temperature of the single passengers and prohibiting the equal or greater boarding if of 37,5 degrees and if the documentation is not complete. Moreover they are held to adopt the organizational measures that assure in all the moments of the travel an interpersonal distance at least a meter between the transported passengers and, in case of aerial transport, the use by the crew and of the passengers of individual means of protection is recommended. The aerial carrier supplies, at the moment of the boarding, to equip the passengers, than they turn out some deprived, of the personal protective apparatus.
The dispositions are not applied to the crew of means of transport, to the staff assigned to the transport goods and the travelling staff pertaining to enterprises with registered office in Italy.
At last the decree arranges that the prohibition of income in the Italian ports to the societies of management, the shipowners and the commanders of the fleeting ships of foreign flag is applied, as well as to the ships in cruise service, also for the pause of the same ships with the crew without passengers.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher