- With regard to the Asia-Mediterranean lines, as part of the md1 service, whose rotation touches the ports of Qingdao, Pusan, Shanghai, Ningbo, SPRC, Singapore, Jeddah, (channel Damietta, Barcelona, Valencia, Tanger Med, Genoa, Damietta, (Suez Canal), Jeddah, Singapore, SPRC and Qingdao, the vacuum navigation will be implemented in weeks 15 and 17, while in the MD2 service, which scales the ports of Pusan, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Kaohsiung, SPRC, Singapore, (Suez Canal), Piree, Genoa, La Spezia, Fos, Genoa, Pireo, (Suez Canal), Singapore, SPRC and Pusan, void sailing will be implemented in the 16 and 18. There will also be a void sailing in the 16 as part of the MD3 containerized line that touches the ports of Pusan, Ningbo, Shanghai, SPRC, Singapore, Jeddah, (channel Suez), Ashdod, Istanbul, Izmit, Aliaga, Mersin, Ashdod, (channel Jeddah, Singapore, Kaohsiung and Pusan.