Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Assologistica anticipates proposed for throws again of the logistics and the economy for the after-emergency virus
Kind: our Country and all its productive members will be asked an important effort
April 3, 2020
Assologistica has subordinate to the government and to the parliament own proposals so that the field represented from the association of the enterprises of logistics and the terminalisti, can face the challenges that will attend it once concluded the emergency for the pandemic of Covid-19, field - it has evidenced Assologistica, that it is facing an increase of costs, besides a decrease of the volumes from the alarming proportions and that previews must still grow also as a result of the extension in the time of the measures of control of the contagion. The association has emphasized that this context places in serious danger the business continuity of very many enterprises and with it the relative occupational base.
The proposal of Assologistica to the organs directive and legislative of the nation, that we publish below, is centralized, as well as on the demand for provisions in support of the activity of the enterprises, on three specific measures: an extraordinary decontribuzione in order to pull down the costs of labor and to safeguard the occupation, the acknowledgment of a tax credit on the purchases of devices for the individual protection and the immediate acknowledgment for the logistics of the state of essential public service.
"In this difficult moment and the moments that will follow in the after-emergency - the president of Assologistica has explained, Andrea Gentile - our Country and all its productive members will be asked an important effort. The enterprises, also of our field, cannot be left sun to face what it waits for to them, in the knowledge that our economy must continue to be one of the greater economies of the Old Continent (and not only). Logistic we will make our part, as we have always made (and demonstrated also in these days), but the State must make its, being to our flank in that which it is shaping itself as a kind of reconstruction of the Country".
The proposals of Assologistica
Assologistica is the associative truth of the logistics enterprises, of the department stores and refrigerators, of the harbour terminalisti, interportuali and airport. Assologistica represents beyond 250 associate companies that operate in Italy: with 70.000 direct and indirect dependent, with 22 million square metres of internal areas blankets, with 4,5 million cubic metres of cold stores and 60 million square metres in marine terminals and inland terminal
Premised and general appraisals
The value of the logistic field and the Italian transport goods generated from almost 100,000 enterprises exceeds 110 billion euros, in continuous increase until last month of February graces also to the breathtaking development of the e-commerce. Increase of turnover and increase of places of work.
The total occupation of all the section, induced comprised, oscillates between 800,000 and 1.000.000 of unit.
The business dimensioning is very heterogenous: to the presence of large multinational groups entrepreneurial truths of medium and small dimensions are accompanied. The cooperatives carry out fundamental a sinergico role in order to offer the flexibility necessary to answer to the requirements of a not standardizzabile question.
The new occupational opportunities have until to favorite hour a beginning of sustainable ethnic integration.
The logistic field, in all its several articulation, carries out a decisive role and pulling ahead for the industrial and commercial development of our country as it guarantees consumption, distribution, supplying, import and export. It produces therefore to benefits to all the final, city consumers and families, and to the system of the enterprises manufacturers and the commerce.
The explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic has returned this essential role inside of supply chain the not only regarding the support to the supply of the CD essential assets still more obvious.
From the first moment in which the authorities of national and sanitary Government have given to the several directives to protection of the public health and mainly that of the workers, Assologistica has informed and raised awareness own associates through a punctual service of questions and answers in order to in gear face the immediate adoption of the aforesaid measures. There comprised the recommendation of adoption of shared Protocollo of regulation of the measures for the contrast and the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus in atmospheres of job signed from the social parts under the aegis of the Government.
The servicing to the companies is active 7 days on 7.
Us it seems to pick by the enterprises an adequate knowledge of the problems. Us that turns out, also, they have adopted measures the previewed in Protocollo and acts, where demanded, consequent organizational changes.
The controls operated from the police forces of which we are to acquaintance carry us to think that the health and safety of the workers adequately are protect. In any case we are available to collaborate with any attached public institution to such forms of control.
The repeated and authoritative appeals of the highest Italian institutional charges have certainly contributed to increase the sense of responsibility of entrepreneurs, manager and workers, even if absenteeism cases have been introduced suspicion index of insufficient knowledge of the importance of the own personal contribution to the general interest.
The field is facing an increase of transferred costs that risk to being to cascade on the citizens.
But the thing more worrisome is the decrease of the volumes that has already assumed alarming proportions and that it is previewed must grow ulteriorly also in consideration of the expectable extension in the time of the measures of control of the contagion.
The business continuity of very many enterprises is in serious danger and with it the relative occupational base.
Assologistica intends to give own contribution for the good of our Country and intends, therefore, to introduce to Government and Parliament the following valid proposals for all the field represented from the codes Ateco 49-50-51-52-53-89.92.
We are convinced that it is immediately necessary to preview a strong and been extended shock therapy in the time even if based on little essential things.
Measures in support of the collectivity
The immediate acknowledgment wonders for "essential public service" with relative application of the norms of which to Legge n. 146/90 and next modifications for all the duration of permanence of the state of emergency so as from deliberation of the Council of Ministers of the 31/1/2020.
Comment: we are convinced that such immediate acknowledgment would favor an increased knowledge of all the involved social members.
A norm of this type could generate very positive a media effect: it would be clearly to that who works in logistics it is contributing to the support of all the Country.
Naturally such status is demanded limitedly to the period of permanence of the state of emergency.
Such norm, if adopted, does not produce burdens for the State.
Measures in support of the occupation
An extraordinary reduction wonders for 40% of contributive share IVS at the expense of the company with expiration from the 1/4/2020 until all the 31/12/2021 on condition that the enterprise maintains until such date at least 80% of the occupational levels in force to the date of the 1/2/2020, intending for such the workers not in test to time indeterminate and excluded the apprentices. The share remains firm of computes of the pension performances.
Comment: the strong reduction of operativity of the industrial activities, of the commerce and terziario has generated a meaningful decrease of the enlivened volumes is in the warehouse activities that in those of transport.
The put organizational changes in existence in ottemperanza to the sanitary dispositions do not afford more to the companies than a logistic and their suppliers, above all to the cooperative system, to optimize the total handling and shipping charges of the goods being generated heavy inefficiencies in the management (insaturazione means of transport, long times of pause for cargo and drainage) and strong reduction of productivity.
The right activities of sanificazione are executed to continuous cycle in order to maximize safety of the job places. This generates ulterior slows down and inefficiencies.
The activity goes however guaranteed to support of the continuity of the authorized rows, the essential services and those of public usefullness.
The problem does not regard the erosion of the margins, is very more serious. Draft to guarantee the estate of a ring of transmission of the chain that connects the production with the citizen (the logistic note) that it risks to jump. The composition of the companies, in fact, is heterogenous: operators of averages and small are multinational but also dimensions.
The estimated cost total borne by the State piles to euro having considered a force job pairs to 900.000 units and a gross annual medium salary and wage (RAL) pairs to euro 30.000.
This means a burden salary for single assigned pairs to euro 330,00.
(Elaborations beginning from the data of the Observatory Contract Logistics Gino Marchet of the Polytechnic of Milan)
Measures in support of the enterprises and of the workers
The acknowledgment wonders for a tax credit of 50% on the cost of purchase supported and documentable from the company of the necessary DPI the workers in application of the measures previewed from shared Protocollo of regulation of the measures for the contrast and the control of the spread of the Covid-19 virus in atmospheres of job signed from the social parts under the aegis of the Government.
One wonders that the costs admitted to the tax credit are supported with expiration 1/3/2020 and until the 31/12/2021.
Comment: as famous the finding of the necessary DPI is difficult much because of the sparsity of offer. This provokes also a not recurrent extraordinary burden to the detriment of the enterprises.
The adoption of the DPI is an unavoidable factor in order to return the business operativity fit for use and to preserve the health of all the workers.
The estimated cost borne by the State piles to euro 990.000.000 having considered a medium value of the costs of supplying of DPI supported for single assigned pairs to euro 100,00 to the month.
(Elaborations beginning from the data of the Observatory Contract Logistics Gino Marchet of the Polytechnic of Milan)
Measures in support of the enterprises
One wonders that how much already disposed to art. the 56 for the D.L. 17/3/2020 n. 18 (Italy Cure) is extended also to the great enterprises.
Comment: the contents of art. the 56 of the D.L. Italy cure goes in the right direction and thanks the Government for some for having previewed the predisposition.
The extension of the beneficiaries also to the great enterprises is demanded so better to support the forms than occupational protection characterizing the proposed precedence.
Such norm, if adopted, does not produce burdens for the State.
The immediate release wonders for the fiscal credits boasted from the enterprises (VAT, IRES, REGIONAL BUSINESS TAX) in form of liquidation or, if it were not possible, in form of disposal of fixed assets of the credit towards the banking with cover of guarantee by the State.
Comment: credits collected or compensated by various years not still exist because of the notes bureaucratic slowness that in this situation of deficiency of liquidity weights down, overly, a already critical situation.
The abolition for 2020 wonders for the Ires increase for the public Federal property concessionaires, of which to article 1 codicil 716 of Legge 27/12/2019 n. 160.
Comment: in a context of increasing crisis the recently introduced norm with the last Law budgetary does not turn out sustainable and risks to appear scoffing. One wonders, therefore, its abolition for all 2020.
Measures in support of the enterprises that export
The suspension wonders for the restrictions previewed from the DPCM of the 22/3/2020 for the sun activity carried out from the enterprises of the logistic field in favor of customers foreign countries. Therefore, any activity of service returned to favor exclusively of customers foreign countries comes allowed.
Comment: we comprise and we share, obviously, the “ratio” of the provisions taken from the DPCM of the 22/3/2020. The concrete experience of these days, but, is making to emerge the serious risk that the outsourcers foreign countries of our enterprises, for which not vige some restriction to the activity, can decide to provision elsewhere. When the emergency will be passage, the foreign customer will be difficultly recoverable, with relative fallen back on the economic activity and the occupation.
Such norm, if adopted, does not produce burdens for the State.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher