Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The auditions of ALIS and Assarmatori to the Commission Transports of the Chamber
Of Caterina: inexplicable the choice to postpone of 12 months to the company the convention to Tirrenia CIN. Catani: aids quickly to the navigation companies that guarantee strategic connections
June 11, 2020
Today near the Commission Transports of the Chamber of Deputies an informal audition in the within of the examination of the so-called decree-law has held Throws again to which the representatives of various associations of the field of the transports have participated.
The Logistic Association of Sustainable Intermodalità (ALIS) has expressed appreciation for some measures and perplexity for other contained ones in the provision: between the first - it has specified the vice president and general manager of ALIS, Marcello Di Caterina - figure for example "the appropriation for the year 2020 of 50 million euros for the stimulating measures destined Marebonus and Ferrobonus to the intermodalità sea-iron or the participations in support of the rail shipment and of the correlated railway services goods. The reply - it has specified - is not but equally positive for the road haulage and the marine transport, in spite of the entire logistic row never has not stopped during all the emergenziale phase".
Moreover Di Caterina has emphasized that continuous ALIS "to consider the choice of the government, contained inexplicable in article 205 of the decree-law Throws again, to on July 18, 2020 postpone of ulterior twelve months to the CIN-Tirrenia company the convention for services marine of territorial continuity with the greater and smaller islands in expiration, through the appropriation of about 72 million euros of subsidies publics, oltretutto - it has found - without to proceed to new procedure of contest and without to consider that other marine companies have renewed the availability to borne by the State guarantee the territorial continuity without additional burdens also after the expiration of the current convention. For ALIS - it has asserted Of Caterina - the State could and had to invest such resources structurally in support of entire people of the transport, rather than to advantage of an only operator, also to the aim not to operate distortions of the market and alterations of the free competition".
In its Matteo Catani participation, president of the Commission Cabotaggio and Ferries Long range of the shipowning association Assarmatori, it has remembered that the restrictions to fleeting mobility taxes from the emergency coronavirus have inferto a mortal blow to the marine enterprises with reductions of turnover that vary on a yearly basis from the 50 to 70%, but - has remembered Catani - being the difficulties of the government to find resources for the field analogous to those already allocated for the aerial and railway transport, Assarmatori for a long time propose to use the residual ones of the deep ones structurally allotted for the support of the Italian marine occupation in the within of the regime so-called International Registry, already put to budget for 2020, and only partially used, because of the block of the activities.
For the destination of these deep ones - it has continued Catani - "it would first of all be necessary to establish a priority order, putting on the first floor who in these months never has not stopped itself, continuing to assure support and occupation to the served territories and the national economy. The Italian ferries - it has evidenced president of the Commission Cabotaggio of Assarmatori - have not never stopped to travel and once again they have demonstrated that great strategic infrastructure is their service, for which work thousands of marine Italians". Anyway - it has found Catani - the European countries where the services of marine transport of goods and passengers are mainly strategic, as Finland, Unito Reign and Ireland, has already introduced measures of support aimed to help the operating enterprises in their section.
The representative of Assarmatori has concluded remembering to such purpose the support of the shipowning association to an amendment to the text of Decreto Throws again that - has explained - it is "stiff to compensate fallen back economic of entity such to undermine the business continuity of the enterprises that operate ships of Italian flag, enrolled in the respective freshmen or registries employed in the exercise of the activity of local marine transport, that is in the arranged connections of passengers and goods by sea".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher