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Confetra, positive the attention turned from the government to the field of the logistics
Nicolini: now but we wait for trusting the executive to the test of the facts
June 17, 2020
The General Confederation Italiana of the Transports and the Logistics has expressed appreciation for the attention turned from the government to the field of the logistics: "we have had a way - the president of Confetra has explained, Guido Nicolini, to conclusion of the encounter had today with the government to Pamphilj Villa - to express to Prime Minister Conte and to ministers De Micheli and Patuanelli our appreciation in order to have place the logistics to the center of institutional the economic agenda of the Country. Already with article 61 of the decree-law Italy Cure - Nicolini has remembered - our field is inserted between more strategic the productive rows for the estate of the Country. Also in the document of infrastructural programming Fast Italy, the logistics appears between the priorities, since the title, so as to it specific space in the national plan of reforms richiestoci from Brussels will be dedicated. The same Slowly Colao speaks about intermodalità, carries, railroad, green logistic. All this - it has emphasized the president of Confetra - was not discounted, and represents the acknowledgment to a section that, during the lockdown and to the cost of enormous economic sacrifices, has guaranteed supplyings of the Country".
"Now that the topic is placed - but it has specified Nicolini - it is necessary to pass to the phase of construction of concrete answers. For how much it regards to us - it has specified - on three aces of action. There is first of all a infrastructural emergency not more tolerable: , yards in slow-motion which blocked works, isolated paralyzed Genoa and the Liguria and, Southern Italy disconnected, too many ports and airports with serious problems of street and railway accessibility. There is then an emergency simplifications: we have advanced 20 specific normative proposals in order to return more fluid the flow of the goods and easier the life to the carriers. Pack-saddles to think that in shipment topic, the heart pulsates of the modern logistics, reference is still made the Regal one Decrees of 1942".
"But our proposals - it has continued the president of the Confederation - regard the road haulage, the couriers, the aerial cargo, the railway cargo. Beyond 400 administrative procedures in head to 30 Public Administration and that they generate about 30 billion bureaucratic burdens in head to the companies and the goods. Third party: it urges industrial politics for our field. We have 95 thousand enterprises, 90% of which have less than five million than turnover and less than nine assigned. The prevalence of transport contracts is frank destiny, we do not have neither "national champions" of able total dimensions neither immense and solid weaving of PMI of being continental leaders. One little invests in technological transfer and innovation, also because the fiscal cost of the job devours our budgets. The simple physical transport of the goods, to low added value of know-how-how, is victim of decreases of indefensible rates and among other things we export and we import 70% of the total volumes in a beam of 3 thousand kilometers: practically two times the distance between Milan and Catania".
"With this dimensional dwarfism of the enterprises, with this fiscal pressure and this logistic ecosystem and to the exchanges so much asphyxiated - it has emphasized Nicolini - our field risks not to have a future. And paradoxicalally own while the world - from the Way of the Silk to the war of the custom offices, passing for the Brexit, the Arctic route, the debate on the nets 5G - reorganizes around the logistics which pillar of new geoeconomici balances of power".
"They are not - it has found the president of Confetra - affrontabili topics with "costs minimums", subsidies, you discount or other twentieth-century proposals that to the maximum would allow the found it hard survival of our enterprises. There is instead need to discuss about a package Services 4,0 that the fiscal wedge pulls down, supports the innovative and digital investments, incentives the contracts frank destiny, pushes towards integrations between enterprises, supports the capitalization of same, easy the permanent formation and the generational passage. This - it has concluded Nicolini - means to think to the future of the section for next the twenty years. We wait for, trusting, the government to the test of the facts".
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