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Thirteen international organizations speed up the Italian government to strive in order to allow the change of the crews of the ships
Draft - they emphasize - of a humanitarian crisis that must be resolved in order protect the marine ones that has been on the ships in order too much time
July 23, 2020
Thirteen organizations representatives the European and international marine parts social have written a letter to the Italian Giuseppe Conte, Prime Minister, in order to speed up a urgent political action for the well-being of the marine ones. In the letter appreciation for the efforts of the Italian authorities is expressed, but it is emphasized that it is necessary to still make more in order to facilitate the changes of the crews of the ships that currently happen alone in a reduced percentage a lot regarding that it is necessary, and the accent is set on the carried out essential role from the marine ones in the maintenance of the total flow of energy, food, medical medicines and supplies via ship. One remembers moreover that many marine ones have been far from house for months because of the travel restrictions taxes from the governments while to those which they would have had to replace it is prevented them to join to their ships.
The letter has been undersigned from European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA), Asian Shipowners' Association (ASA), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), Bimco, International Maritime Employers' Council (IMEC), InterManager, World Shipping Council, Intertanko, International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (InterCargo), International Parcel Tankers Association (IPTA) and CLIA Europe.
"Confitarma, which member of ECSA, ICS, Intertanko, Intercargo, BIMCO and IMEC - it has emphasized the Shipping president of the Italian Confederation, Mario Mattioli - joins all out to the content of such letter in which, among other things, asserts how much from me many times over emphasized, and that is that "draft of a humanitarian crisis that must be resolved in order protect the marine ones that has been on the ships in order too much time. But the necessity to resolve this crisis is also urgent that is extended to earth. Without the marine ones, the necessary ships cannot operate and they cannot deliver to the goods for all our economy. In a moment of remarkable stress for the total and national economies, any interruption of the flow of the exchanges could have devastating consequences for the phase of resumption"".
"It pleases to find - he has added me the president of the Confitarma - than in the letter to president Conte is emphasized that "all the stakeholder Italian, in particular the Italian Confederation Shipping (Confitarma), have worked constantly in recent months in order to allow the changes of the crew and have invited the Italian government to adopt with urgency measures in order to facilitate this process. Unfortunately, these demands have been up to now in great part without answer"".
The organizations signers of the letter have asked the Italian government "to on July 9, 2020 sign and to put into effect the engagements assumed in the ministerial declaration of international the marine summit on the modifications of the crew, held from the British government", and in particular: to designate to all the marine ones, independently from the nationality, as "key workers" and facilitating their movement safeguarding their health and diminishing the risks of infection from Covid-19; to make sure that the marine ones are able to embark themselves or to leave their ships for the repatriation, that they can carry out the changes of crew, to have use of the dismissals to earth and medical cures without impediments; to introduce temporary measures, between which the possibility of exceptions and exemptions from eventual requirement of visa or other documents normally demanded to the marine ones; to create the necessary conditions for the marine air corridors from the Member States of the EU and from the main countries of origin of the marine workers".
The organizations signers have remembered that these engagements have been up to now sign from 13 nations, between which United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Countries Bassi and Norway, that they have deep express worry for the current situation and have recognized that "the inability of the naval operators of all the world to lead the changes of the crew of the ship is more pressing the marine operating challenge for the sure and efficient movement of the total commerce".
In the letter it is evidenced that "Italy carries out a role key in the total row, with its central position and its important ports and airports in the Mediterranean" and wonders Italy, in quality of member of council IMO, giving the example "adopting the engagements assumed from the ministerial declarations on a national level and I intensified own efforts".
Since permangono obstacles to the changes of crew to carry out in Italy or through Italy, in the letter the requirement is restated that the marine ones of third-country can be able to obtain more easy the Schengen visas so as to be able themselves to embark on ships in the European ports.
In particular, in the letter it is suggested to authorize and to supply seen temporary for the crews that they embark and for those which they disembark. In fact, even if the Italian embassies are gradually returning to normality and up to now the visa questions have been very constructive in dealing, they could not be able to in the next few months to face the increase estimated of the question of visas of about 2,5 times - 3 times the normal volume to the month. Such exemption could therefore facilitate and accelerate arrangements for the departures from the third-country.
The letter is concluded with the auspice that the Italian government is able to make the difference is through concrete measures in Italy is through the diplomatic channels in the other Member States of the EU and with the governments of all the world. "This - it is evidenced - will be extremely important in order to guarantee that the marine thousands of hundreds of anchor waiting for changes of crew can be replaced without ulterior delays".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher