Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The regional council of Lazio has given the green light to the establishment of the Simplified Logistics Zone of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea
It will involve 29 municipalities and the ports of Civitavecchia, Gaeta and Fiumicino
February 8, 2022
The following strategic objectives are associated with the FTA: develop new investments by small and medium-sized enterprises local in various reference sectors of the regional economy, such as for example agri-food, automotive, or packaging, services for pleasure boating and shipbuilding; attract investments of new operators able to absorb the hand of work leaving sectors in crisis or subject to heavy restructuring or increasing employment levels; promote the implementation of the infrastructural works of connection between the ports of Lazio and these logistic platforms, thus promoting the development in an eco-sustainable key of the transport (reducing travel times) as well as development and integration of cross-cutting corridors Tyrrhenian/Adriatic; activate infrastructural and functional actions necessary for the regional territory to acquire a role central logistic-infrastructural within the flows of transport of goods and passengers at local, national and international; reconstruct a "maritime" identity adapted to its coastal development, able to produce synergy between coastal and inland areas, effectively connecting the territory concerned and creating all those synergies institutional, entrepreneurial and service useful to the characterization of Lazio as a region that on the sea and from the sea can to base a significant part of its economic development and employment, relaunching the Blue Economy.
The implementation of the FTA will be implemented through a set of measures divided into five lines of intervention strategic: administrative and bureaucratic streamlining of procedures administrative for obtaining permissions for activities productive and for the realization of works; efficiency of port and customs services; strengthening of links structural functional between ports and logistics centers through the upgrading of connecting railway lines and road, identifying priorities; definition of benefits tax and/or contributions for those who carry out activities entrepreneurs within the FTA; activating public finance, with the involvement of the Region or the EIB, favour of undertakings which are established or intend to establish themselves in the ZLS areas.
"It is - underlined the Councilor for Works public and protection of the territory, mobility of the Region Lazio, Mauro Alessandri - of a very important push that the Lazio Region intends to give the future of the economy linked to the port activities and which will have positive repercussions on the development of our entire territory thanks to incentives and facilities for qualified investment projects in sectors key as transport and tourism. This also means creating new jobs and investment, as well as the strengthening of rail and road connections, which may also extend to vehicular traffic. The Municipalities - specified the councilor Alessandri - may be among the main beneficiaries of the measures envisaged from the Strategic Development Plan. Attracting new investments aims to generate economic repercussions and immediate employment on the territories of settlement, triggering development factors such as demand for research, innovation and qualified training with which local administrations can interact. The strengthening of infrastructural aspects, with particular reference to rail and road connections provided for in the regional plan for mobility, transport and logistics will bring benefits that go far beyond the system logistic: from the decongestion of inhabited centers, freed from the traffic crossing heavy vehicles, to the improvement of air quality, with shares of trade shifted from iron rubber; new infrastructure, the use of which can extend also to vehicular traffic, opening new directions territorial economic development, making services and areas more accessible production. It is therefore a step epochal for the infrastructural and economic growth of our region'.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher