Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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No offer for the realization of the new foranea dam of the port of Genoa
Gone deserts the race
June 30, 2022
A strabilious fiasco. Immane because the work in question will be of colossal dimensions. From the cost that, according to outdated estimates, only to consider the obvious recent increase in material costs, it should be 1.3 billion on the basis of the chosen design solution. by the Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea. But also by size : the new foranea dam of the port of Genoa is expected to have an overall length of 6.2 kilometers and would be imaged on seabeds that reach and exceed the depth of -50 meters, a true world record for a frangiflutti, albeit gigantic. And also in the national sphere the new Genovese dam occupies a primary place among the projects within the framework of the National Plan of Retake and Resilience.
A flop because, after the approval of the technical-economic feasibility project, the tender for the realization of the first corset phase of the project, worth well 950 million, sum financed with 500 million from the National Plan for complementary investments to the PNRR, it went deserted. Today at 12, the final deadline for the presentation of the offers, no plico has come to Palazzo San Giorgio, the seat of the AdSP.
A failure because it was high was the expectation of the leaders of the port authority, but also those of the Municipality of Genoa and the Region of Liguria, with Mayor Marco Bucci and Governor Giovanni Toti to demonstrate repeatedly in the good outcome. of the procedure.
An unsuccessful one because the only two cordates involved in the execution of the works, the first consisting of WeBuild, Fincantieri, Fincosit and Sidra and the second by Eteria (Gavio-Caltagirone), RCM and Acciona, have felt that they have to give up participating in the race. The motivation, which was communicated to the port agency just before the deadline, would be material cost growth that would not allow it to comply with the terms of the tender. Among the critiques, also reported the limited time for the execution of the works and the non-quantifiable risks for the firms in charge of carrying out the works.
A dismay for the Chairman of the Port Authority of the Port System of the Western Ligurian Sea, Paolo Emilio Signorini, who on April 16, 2021, in view of the high degree of design complexity, the particular executive difficulty and the complicatement of the technical-administrative procedures, he had been appointed overtime commissioner with the mandate to carry out the new foranea dam, a post for which he would not receive any compensation.
A disaster announced, however, according to Ance, the trade association representing construction construction firms. "We had said it," it is the lapidary and caustic commentary, which has just expired the end of the public-evidence procedure, of the national president Ance, Federica Brancaccio, and the president of the Genovese representation, Giulio Musso, who recalled as, at the recent assembly of the association of the Genoese maritime agents, they had formally and publicly called on the Port System Authority to stop before it was too late and to carefully assess the design of the dam, at risk technically, financially and operationally.
" The renunciation of the two companies that were due to participate in the tender to carry out the greatest public work of the last thirty years, worth more than one billion, is the very dubious denunciation of the president of Ance Liguria, Emanuele. Ferraloro-beyond the devastating effect on the international credibility of Genoa and its port, allunga shadows on the feasibility of much of the works entered in the PNRR and on the ability of public entities to develop projects credible and reliable technicians. It is certainly not our pleasure to have launched all possible alerts for time, had to record the rituals and somewhat annoyed assurances from the Port System Authority, as well as the exulsions of the policy for the start of the tender, but the dam case is likely to provoke a devastating wave of shock, with dramatic effects on the credibility of the Italy system. "
"Is it possible that only our association has publicly exposed itself to denounce this danger," said the president of Ance Liguria, who asked to be named after the president of Ance Liguria. Is it possible for an opera from over a billion to be managed like this, has there ever been the problem of the adequacy of technical structures to the size and commitment of a challenge of this magnitude? When will it pass the hangover from PNRR and will they seek, with pragmatism, solutions to the real problems of the Italian public system? When will you become aware of the only real Italian problem : the translation into the facts of the proclamations, the transformation of the papers into works? "
The "social," so indefessly used by the protagonists when they want to communicate positive news and so silently when the outcome is negative for them, for now they are silent. Apart from the virtual squares in which everyone discusses everything, it remains the fact that a deep but rapid revisit of the opera is now inevitable-intervening on the project, on the race notice or on both-if you don't want to lose the indispensable funding to carry out works that are expected to be inderogably completed by 2026.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher