It continued in the period June-August of this year, quarter which is the third of the group's fiscal year Carnival Corporation, the increase in financial results recorded by the US cruise group after the "tsunami" caused by the impact on the company of the global health crisis of Covid-19. In the third quarter of fiscal 2022 revenues amounted to $4.30 billion, an increase of +668.5% on the same quarter of the previous year, an increase of +13,787.1% on the third quarter of 2020 when the activity was almost stopped due to the crisis of the coronavirus and with a decrease of -34.1% compared to the third quarter of the 2019 financial year when the health emergency was not still started. Total revenues in the third quarter of the 2022 financial year are divided into 2.59 billion generated by the sale of cruises (respectively +756.4%; the sale was ceased in the third quarter of 2020; -42.0%) and 1.71 billion deriving from sales on board the ships of the fleet (+604.1%; +5,419.4%; -7,8%).
In the period June-August of this year the operating costs of the group amounted to 4.58 billion dollars (+76.1%; +94.0%; -1,2%). The increase in costs was contributed by the increase in price prices of the fuel that in the period was equal to 958 dollars per tonne of fuel consumed by ships, +78.4% in more than in the third quarter of 2021, and respectively +158.2% and +96.7% on the same periods of the financial years 2020 and 2019.
Operating result and net economic result were both negative and equal to -279 million and -770 million dollars compared to results also of negative sign and equal to -2.06 billion and -2.84 billion in the third quarter of the year 2021 and equal to -2.33 billion and -2.86 billion in the third quarter of the 2020 financial year, while the third quarter of the 2019 financial year had been filed with an operating profit of 1.89 billion dollars and a net profit of 1.78 billion.
In the third quarter of 2022, the group's fleet hosted 2.57 million passengers compared to 340 thousand in the same period of the previous year and 3.75 million in the third quarter of the 2019 financial year.
"During our third quarter - he underlined Carnival Corporation CEO Josh Weinstein - our activity has continued in its trajectory positive, reaching over 300 million in Adjusted EBITDA and reaching almost 90% occupancy in our departures of August. Moving forward in the year we continue to close the gap compared to 2019, increasing employment on a capacity which is higher and at lower unit costs. Since the month last we announced the relaxation of our protocols (the measures taken for the pandemic, ed), we have witnessed - he explained Weinstein - to a significant improvement in the volumes of reservations and now we are far ahead of the relevant levels of 2019. We plan to further leverage this momentum with renewed efforts to generate demand".