A three-day visit to the port of Genova by Groupement Fer, the association that represents companies of transport and logistics based in Switzerland, which has chosen the Liguria for the annual Comitè Mixte. On the occasion of the visit the Swiss delegation, composed of 11 representatives of the major rail transport companies, has placed the emphasis on the importance of implementing container transport between the Switzerland and Mediterranean ports using a transport efficient, reliable and environmentally sustainable rail. 'The further development of rail links between the Switzerland, southern Europe and Mediterranean ports - underlined Peter Bōsch, chairman of the board of directors of Groupement Fer - will be an important and relevant opportunity in terms of sustainability and efficiency. In the case of Southern Express, in particular - said Bösch referring to to the PSA Italy train service that since 2018 connects directly Genoa and Basel - we appreciate the connection direct rail from terminal to terminal'.
During the visit to the Genoese container terminal of the PSA Genova Pra' of the PSA Italy group, the CEO of PSA Italy, Roberto Ferrari, communicated to the members of the delegation Switzerland that "within two years in our terminal in Genoa Seven more tracks of 750 meters each will be built: with the Third Pass, which will allow trains to circulate 750 meters, or European standard - he stressed - we will be more competitive towards the markets of southern Europe».
From 2018, with the Southern Express, PSA rail link Italy has transported over 23,000 teu by rail, equal to more of 613 thousand linear meters of containers that otherwise would have been transported by truck, thus moving about 84 million tons-kilometers from road to rail. The journey from Genoa to Basel lasts about 14 hours and PSA Italy has announced that the 94% of trains arrive within two hours of the scheduled arrival time.