In 2025 the Italian Academy of Merchant Marine will change its headquarters in Genoa moving to Palazzo Tabarca, in the area of the Darsena, on an area of almost 6,000 square meters where there will be a student residence for about 40 apartments, two office plans and logistics spaces as well as a new simulation that will make the new center of the Academy the most Large and advanced training centre of public interest of the Mediterranean.
The new headquarters, financed by PNRR and PinQua program, is the result of an agreement with the Municipality of Genoa which provides that the structure of the Tabarca is redesigned according to the needs of the Academy, which today carries out the own activities in the two offices of Genoa and Arenzano.
Meanwhile, on October 25 in Malmö there was a meeting between the President of the World Maritime University (WMU), Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, and the direction of the Academy Foundation Italian Merchant Navy. FAIMM and WMU confirmed and strengthened existing formal agreements, with the aim of to further increase cooperation at international for the benefit of the global maritime community. Paola Vidotto, director general of the Academy, announced that the formal agreements with the WMU confirmed in Malmö provide for the other the provision by the Training Academy professional to WMU students and - he underlined - in With this in mind, the new training centre planned is to extreme importance, as Genoa will be called to host and FAIMM to provide services to an entity such as WMU, which is direct expression of the United Nations.