Next December 14 at 15.00, at the Sala Cavalcoli of the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna, will be held the conference entitled "Regulatory plans and port concessions. The new discipline" organized by the System Authority Port of the Northern Central Adriatic Sea and the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna.
During the meeting will be illustrated both the very recent changes made to art. 5 of Law No 84/1994 on the subject of port planning, also addressing the allocation of existing competences in this area between System Authorities Port and Municipality, both the lines of the Regulation for the release of state concessions pursuant to art. Article 18 of Law No 84/1994 of imminent and expected for many years, to clarify an area in which many addresses have been expressed.
OPENING SPEECHES - C.V. (CP) Francesco Cimmino - Maritime Director Emilia-Romagna - Commander of the Port of Ravenna)
- Federica del Conte -Councillor with powers to: urban planning, construction private, urban regeneration, public works, heritage, Subsidence and geological services
- Sergio Gonelli - President of the Ravenna Bar Association
- Daniele Rossi - President of the Port System Authority of the north-central Adriatic Sea
- The new Regulation of port concessions (art.18 Law n.84/94)
Prof. Stefano Zunarelli (Full Professor of Navigation Law at the University of Bologna - Consultant to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) - The new discipline of port planning
Avv. Franco Fiorenza - The relationship between urban planning and planning harbour
Daniele Capitani (Municipality of Ravenna - Manager O.U. Implementation Management of Production and Port Areas) - Port concessions: the experience of Ravenna
Avv. Sabina Cipollini (Adriatic Sea Port System Authority central-northern - Head of State Property Area, Port Companies and Labor port) |