On Wednesday, Romania's Minister of Transport, Sorin Grindeanu, signed with Daniela Costea, director of the Maritime Danube Ports Administration (APDM), the company public operating Romanian ports on the Danube, two contracts that provide for the allocation of 264 million lei (55 million euros) for the modernization of the ports of Braila and Galati, which are located on the river delta,
The port of Braila will receive 126.82 million lei for the execution of interventions aimed at increasing capacity of airport traffic through the modernization of the port infrastructure and access roads, improving connectivity to trans-European TEN-T networks is "core" that "comprehensive". The works will have to be completed by the end of next year
The Galati port will have 136.94 million lei available for the construction of a ro-ro terminal that in the first year of activity will allow the increase in the annual volume of traffic of about 48,000 tons. Also in this case the works They must be completed by the end of 2023.