Today the Authority of Harbour System of the Tyrrhenian Sea Northern, at the meeting of its Committee of management, presented the new Single Management and Collection Plan waste from ships in the ports of Livorno and Piombino, and in the airports of Elba and Capraia. The document, by decree of the Region, has received the opinion of conformity with respect to the Regional Plan for Waste Management and Reclamation of pollutants.
The objective of the Plan is to provide a collection and management that meets the criteria of ease of use, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and safety for the environment and for health. In addition, the document introduces some innovations also on the tariff plan, with rates that will consist of a indirect tariff, fixed, and from a direct, if any: the first will be paid by ships at each berth regardless of delivery of waste and its payment gives ships the possibility of disposing of waste at no additional cost solids included in Annex V to the Marpol Convention, other than cargo residues, for an amount equal to the capacity on-board storage, as shown in the ship's documents; the second fee will be paid for the conferment of waste not included in the indirect tariff and will be calculated, according to the criteria set out in the Plan, on the basis of type and quantity of waste delivered and determined at the end of the public tender procedure for the award of the service. Specific criteria have also been laid down for the establishment of tariffs to be applied to liner vessels which make frequent and regular calls, as well as for ships "green" and for differentiated disposals. Were In addition, facilities have been established for fishing vessels and pleasure boats and the category has been introduced of "accidentally fished waste" as intended by Law no. 60/2022, so-called "Salvamare".