In 2022, there were 115 acts of piracy against ships. The figure, which represents a decrease of -13% on the year previous, it is the lowest in more than three decades. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has specified that on the total Of the incidents that occurred last year, half were verified in South-East Asian waters, in particular in Singapore Strait, area where acts of piracy They continue to increase.
The IMB has announced that in 95% of cases the pirates have succeeded to board the ships, as 107 ships were boarded (115 in 2021) and two ships were seized (1), while five others ships have been the subject of an attempted assault (11) and one ship is has been the object of gunfire (5). Seafarers taken in 41 (8) were hostage, two were kidnapped (57), while six Seafarers were threatened (9) and six others were assaulted (3). In 2021, four seafarers were injured and one was injured killed, while in 2022 there were no bloody events.
The International Maritime Bureau explained that the continuation of the decrease in acts of piracy is a consequence of the reduction of accidents in the waters of the Gulf of Guinea, where in the 2022 there were 19 compared to 35 in 2021. Last year 38 incidents were recorded in the Singapore Strait compared to 35 in the previous year. In South America they have 24 incidents occurred compared to 36 in 2021, reduction - has pointed out the IMB - which is partly attributable to the decrease (-33%) of events reported at the anchorage of Callao, in Peru.
In the fourth quarter of 2022 alone, there were 25 accidents overall, with a decrease of -29% on the corresponding period of the previous year. During these events were boarded 22 ships (30 in the last quarter of 2021), one ship is was seized (0) and one was made sign of blows firearms (3). Fourteen seafarers were taken in hostage (0), two were kidnapped (6) and one was subject to threats (4).