In 2022, for the second consecutive year, traffic containerized in the port of Algeciras decreased, bending which is the third consecutive annual if such a flow of loads It is counted according to the 20' containers handled. The last year the Spanish port of call has enlivened 56,4 million of tons of containerized cargos, with a decrease of -4,0% on the previous year, traffic that in terms of containers from Twenty feet has been pairs to 4,762,808 TEU (- 0.8%).
Containers are the only type of cargo resulting in decrease in 2022, a year that ended with a total traffic of 108,2 million tons of goods (+3.0%). A Generating overall growth were the strong increases in volumes of conventional goods and liquid bulk that have been attested respective to 14,6 million tons (+23.3%) and 1,4 million tons (+107.1%). Liquid bulk traffic It is piled to 28,4 million tons (+0.8%).
In the only fourth quarter of 2022 the port of Algeciras has handled 27.1 million tons of cargo, with a slight progression of +0.9% on the corresponding period of 2021. The Containerized trade was 14.0 million tons (- 2.4%) with a handling of containers pairs to 1.179.671 teu (-1.7%). Conventional goods scored more of 3,6 million tons (+5.7%). Liquid and solid bulk were respectively equal to 7.5 million tons (+5.4%) and 124 thousand tons (- 21.6%).