As part of the Authority's privatisation procedure Port of the Greek port of Volos to Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF), the agency responsible for carrying out the Greece's asset privatization program,
Eight expressions of interest. They were sent from the Bulgarian Advance Properties, also active in the maritime and port sector, the joint venture between the airport companies Goldair Cargo and Goldair Handling of the Greek Goldair Group, from the consortium consisting of the Greek construction companies Intrakat and TEKAL, from the joint venture between the shipbuilding company Israeli Israel Shipyards and the Greek steel company Hellas Steel, from the Maltese Mariner Capital, an investment company active in the port sector, from the terminalista company Qatari Q Terminals, the Greek business group GEK Terna and by the Port Authority of Thessaloniki whose 67% of the capital is in the hands of South Europe Gateway Thessaloniki (SEGT).
After the evaluation of the eight proposals, the HRADF will invite candidates who have fulfilled the pre-selection criteria to submit binding offers for the acquisition of 67% of capital of the Port Authority of Volos.