Filt Cgil and Uiltrasporti have positively evaluated the outcome the meeting convened by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to address occupational safety issues in the ports that took place today in Rome in the presence of the deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi. "The comparison - announced Filt Cgil - it was positive and we hope it can represent the start of a phase of dialogue to find solutions that safeguard the health and safety of workers, in a context of relaunching the ports of our country". The federation for the transport sector of the CGIL has specified that in the course The meeting was announced "the convocation imminent interministerial table with the Ministry of Transport, Economy and Finance and Labour to accelerate the issuance of the implementing decree on the fund accompanying the exodus and on self-handling and the willingness to start a specific comparison path on the announced port reform ».
On the part of Filt Cgil, "the need to proceed with punctual interventions to give tangible and effective responses, starting with the harmonization of the Decree Law 272/99 on port security with the legislation General, 81/2008. Furthermore - specified the organization trade union - it is necessary to establish the port labour offices and increase the staff, encourage and support the paths of Training and prevention for all workers, not just workers' representatives on safety and site and finally standardise intervention actions. Now - concluded the Filt - We await the start and the outcome of the tables to express our opinion on what will be achieved'.
Also for Uiltrasporti today's was "a certainly positive meeting that now however - have pointed out the general secretary Claudio Tarlazzi, the secretary Marco Odone and Marco Lupi of the Uil - must result in concrete actions by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in relation to the commitments undertaken, on which also the Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Economy and Finance have given wide availability. The commitments made - have confirmed - concern first and foremost the implementation of the The early exodus of port workers, a measure important considering that the age increases the risk of exposure to accidents, and the implementation of the standard present in the last budget law that makes available resources for the training of port operators'.
"That of security in the port area - they have underlined Tarlazzi, Odone and Lupi - it is a very important that requires interventions of extreme urgency. Ports are places where interference situations persist between employees of different companies, where workers are subjected to extreme microclimatic conditions and where even today workers, Despite the advent of technologies, they are exposed to risks important due to the danger of port operations that require continuous training for a more effective prevention. It is also necessary to enact the updating of Law 272/99 as a Coordination between the Consolidated Law on Safety at Work and the legislation relating to work activities in the field harbour. A measure that we have been waiting for for over ten years on the which the social partners themselves have worked together with the ministries competent but inexplicably it has never been issued».
"We also asked the ministries - continued the representatives of Uilt and Uil - the adoption of a system of monitoring and extrapolation of accident data of the sector port that distinguishes them, with its own Ateco code, from the most extensive transport and warehousing sector to allow a More punctual detection. Finally, we expressed the need for them to be activated in all ports and convened Hygiene and safety committees, as places of discussion and active participation in the measures to be taken to combat the risk of accidents in ports. Deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi - concluded Tarlazzi, Odone and Lupi - he undertook to activate a structural table on port work safety and A discussion table with the social partners on reform issues of the port discipline that creates the conditions for development economic of the country and affects port activities and in particular on port and maritime work for which it is it is necessary to implement uniform rules to protect workers'.