The French Touax, whose core business is the rental and the sale of intermodal containers, but is also active in the segment of railway wagons and modular constructions as well as in river transport, closed 2022 with record revenues of to 310,5 million euros, with an increment of +25.4% on the year previous year, of which 144.2 million generated by the activity of fleet rental (+18.3%) and 58.9 million from sales of equipment (+45.8%). EBITDA amounted to to 57.9 million euros (+9.1%), operating profit to 31.1 million (+8.3%) and net profit at € 7.5 million (-40.2%).
With regard to future prospects in the segment of containers, Touax highlighted that this sector has been out for two years exceptional and is expected to return to normal in the 2023 both in terms of volumes of containerized trade so as well as container prices and sea freight value. The transalpine company has specified that it intends to make use of this trend towards normalization by increasing its range of services, including the use of new types of containers, and expand the geographical coverage of the market to meet the demand and increase customers.