Yesterday in the port of Vasto landed the ro-ro
Abu Samrah which, with its 209 meters in length, is the ship largest that has ever made a call at the port of Abruzzo. The unit, assisted for entry and mooring by the services technical-nautical coordinated by the Maritime Authority, has embarked 450 vans produced in the Stellantis plant of the Val di Sangro and heading to Algeria, traffic generated by the factory of motor vehicles that will increase in the coming months exponentially allowing transit from the port of call more of 3,000 vans. The arrival of the
Abu Samrah follows that last November of the
Eurocargo Salerno of Grimaldi Lines, a 196-meter long ship that had loaded more than 650 meters Vans.
"This operation, carried out thanks to the skills port operators, technical-nautical services and commitment qualified of the Harbour Master's Office - underlined the President of the Port System Authority of the Sea Adriatico Centrale, Vincenzo Garofalo - confirms the great potential of the Vasto airport as a reference for the economy of the territory. An infrastructure that offers opportunities development and international trade for which the Port System Authority is committed to defining a programming framework for the interventions necessary for its strengthening and enhancement, in coordination with the investments already planned by the subjects who had competence on the port until its entry into the AdSP'.