Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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In the first trimester the traffic of the container in the port of Genoa is dropped of -7.7% and it is still less than the levels pre-pandemia
In increase the volumes in the port of Savona-Vado Ligure
May 24, 2023
In the first trimester of the 2023 traffic of the goods in the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure managed from the Authority of Harbour System of the Western Ligurian Sea have enlivened 15,90 million tons, volume that is inferior of the -4,0% regarding the same period last year and is still more distant from the traffic enlivened in the correspondent trimester of the last year precedence the pandemia of Covid-19 being in decrease of the -6,3% regarding the 16.
This negative trend is due to the reduction ofvolumes enlivened from the port of Genoa partially compensated by the increase of the activity in the port of Savona-Vado. The port of call of the Ligurian capital, in fact, has archived the first trimester of this year with a total of 12,01 million tons, with an emphasized bending of the -7,1% on the first trimester of 2022, an increase of +1.2% on the first three months of 2021 when the harbour operations were particularly affected by the effects of the sanitary crisis, a decrease of -4,1% on the first trimester of 2020 when the sanitary emergency had just begun and a reduction of the 2019.
Particularly negative the trend of the containerized traffic in the genoese port that in the first three months of 2023 has been pairs to 5,57 million tons, with respective calis of the -7,7%, -1,7%, -9,2% and -7,4% on the same periods of 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. In terms of containers from 20 feet enlivened, the traffic of the container has been pairs to 585,814 teu (- 5.6%, -6,4%, -7,3% and -7,1%). The conventional goods, with 2,43 million tons, have recorded a bending of the -0.2% on the first trimester of 2022 and increments of +6,5%, +11.5% and +3.6% oncorresponding periods of 2021, 2020 and 2019. In the field of the liquid bulk is enlivened 3,18 million tons of mineral oils (-7.7%, +9.4%, -3,3% and -11.4%), 133 thousand tons of chemicals (+22.8%, +11.9%, +18.4% and -8.9%) and 85 thousand tons of vegetable oils and wine (+3.9%, +80.6%, +73.9% and +64.2%). In the section of the solid bulk the commercial traffic has been of 179 thousand tons (+7.8%, -11.7%, +90.3% and 0%) and the industrial one of 288 thousand tons (-44.8%, -42.3%, -29.6% and -52.5%).
Original news the port of Savona-Vado has closed the first three months with atotal traffic of 3,89 million tons, with increments of +6,7%, +37.6%, +11.0% and +1.9% on the same periods of 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. The traffic of the container, which benefited from the inauguration in December 2019 of the new container platform of Vado, is however result in decrease of the -2,8% on the first trimester of 2022, while it has marked increases of +16.8%, +108.0% and +525.0% on the first quarters of 2021, 2020 and 2019. In terms of teu, the containerized cargos have been pairs to beyond 75 thousand box from 20' (+29.9%, +50.1%, +138.5% and +487.5%). The conventional goods areattested to 1,01 million tons (+8.4%, +7.7%, -10.1% and -21.1%). The liquid and solid bulk volumes were pairs respective to 1,71 million tons (+13.2%, +89.1%, +5.3% and +5.5%) and 485 thousand tons (-2.5%, +18.6%, +11.9% and -39.9%).
Regarding the traffic of the passengers, in the first trimester of this year has continued the recovery of the lost volumes because of the pandemic that has led to exceed the levels precedence the sanitary crisis having been totaled 158 thousand passengers of the ferries (+46.4%, +82.9%, +36.4% and +19.2%) and 168 thousand crocieristi(+243.7%, +1.136.2%, +72.7% and +15.6%). Not so in the port of Savona where an increase on 2021 was marked, but the levels are even lower than those pre-pandemia: the passengers of the ferries were almost 11 thousand, in increase of +51.6% on the same period of 2021 and in decrease of -43.9% and -63.6% on the first trimesters of 2020 and 2019; the crocieristi have been 63 thousand, with a rise of +290.22 In the first trimester of the 2021 traffic of the passengers in the port of callSavonese was still due to pandemic.
In the only month of March of 2023 the port of Genoa has enlivened altogether 4,37 million tons of goods, with a decrease of the -7,9% on March 2022, while in Savona-Vado the traffic is of 1,44 million tons (+15.5%).
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher