The president of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, has announced the definitive way to the connection between the port of Ancona and the State Road 16 thanks to three decisive steps completed in the past hours with the approval from the regional junta of the understanding between Region and Anas, to which it has followed the signature of Acquaroli, that allows to give away to the procedures of contest.
"L'Ultimo Miglio, which in fact is the direct link between the port of Ancona and the State Road 16 and therefore with the main road infrastructures - it has emphasized the president of the Region - is a fundamental work for the development of the port, of Ancona and of the Marche, waited for decades, that it can also valorize further the Intermodal pole and that finally arrives to a definitive turn".
Remembering that it is a work of 150 million euros that will help to achieve three strategic objectives, i.e. interconnect the port with the main national and European road managers, valorize the logistic triangle port-interporto-airport and lighten the heavy traffic that transits on the state, the regional council member to Infrastructure, route, government of the territory, public works, politics for the mountain and the internal areas, Francis Bald the growth of environmental, social and economic sustainability".