A monitoring campaign will be carried out in Livorno of air quality in areas of the city adjacent to port areas. This was decided by the administration municipal following the numerous reports by the citizens of bad smells caused by fumes emitted from ships in port. An agreement between the Municipality of Livorno and Arpat provides for three air quality detection campaigns to be carried out on three different sampling stations, for 20 days of acquisition per season for each station, for a total of 240 days. PM 10, PM 2.5, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, benzene-toluene and xylenes, and weather parameters. The Convention shall be valid for one year, from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.
For the first monitoring, which will start on Monday next in Piazza Grande, the mobile vehicle has already been placed in the identified position to allow staff Arpat the necessary calibration operations of the instrumentation. After about twenty days of monitoring, the mobile vehicle will move to Piazza Cavour and finally to the station within the area of the American Market, owned of the State Water Property and in concession to the company Port 2000.
As per convention, Arpat will publish in real time on the own website hourly data of gaseous pollutants do not validated by operator. These data will be subject to a later publication, after validation, in the daily bulletin. Within three months of the end of the campaigns, Arpat will the drafting of a specific monitoring report Made.
The Municipal Councillor for the Environment and Mobility, Giovanna Cepparello, specified that it is the "first campaign of this type that is done in our city by the municipal administration. Sites were chosen - he explained - which have appropriate technical characteristics and which are close to the places from which reports from citizens come. I emphasize that one of the three stations is precisely in the immediate vicinity of the port and will definitely give us very useful indications, also in view of a future request to the Region of the installation of a fixed control unit that monitors in pollution related to ship fumes continued'.