Last April the ports of Genoa and Savona-Vado Ligure handled a total of 5.15 million tons of goods, with a decrease of -7,3% on April 2022 that has been generated from a bending of the -7,4% of the volumes of cargos through the port of call of the Ligurian capital which stood at 4.00 million tons and from a reduction of -6,8% of those passed for the Savona port of call that fell to 1.15 million tons.
In particular, in Genoa all the commodity items starting from that of the miscellaneous goods that has totaled 2,68 million tons (- 5.8%), of which 1,94 million of tons of containerized goods (- 6.7%) realized with a handling of containers pairs to 206.597 teu (- 7.2%) and 740 thousand tons of conventional goods (- 3.5%). In the bulk sector liquid mineral oils amounted to 1.09 million tons (- 4.4%) and other cargos to 60 thousand tons (- 34.5%), of which 32 thousand tons of vegetable oils and wine (- 21.1%) and 29 thousand tons of chemicals (-44.7%). More accentuated the Contraction in dry bulk volumes, with traffic in the commercial sector that was 18 thousand tons (- 49.6%) and in the industrial one of 105 thousand tons (- 25.5%). The Fuel supplies and ship's stores amounted to 48 thousand tons (- 30.6%).
Same scenario in the port of Savona-Vado, where the only voice Mineral oils grew by to 515 thousand tons (+4.8%). The total number of miscellaneous goods is State of 523 thousand tons (- 8.1%), of which 218 thousand tons of container loads (-11.6%) with container handling pairs to 21.778 teu (+2.0%) and 305 thousand tons of goods conventional (-5.5%). The solid bulk was 103 thousand tons (- 35.8%) and other liquid bulk 6 thousand tons (-36,5%). Supplies of bunkers and ship's supplies were over 4 thousand tons (- 6.6%).
In the passenger sector, the port of Genoa closed April 2023 with 130 thousand crocieristi (+71.2%) and 86 thousand passengers of the ferries (+21.3%), while in Savona the traffic has been of 114 thousand crocieristi (+303.2%) and 11 thousand passengers of the ferries (+2,5%).
In the first quarter of this year the port of Genoa has Handled 16.02 million tons of goods, with a decrease -7.2% on the corresponding period of 2022, while in Savona-Vado The traffic has been of 5,04 million tons (+3.3%).