Continuing the negative trend that began in January, the
Last month the traffic of goods in the port of Barcelona has
recorded a significant decrease as it amounted to
overall to 5.82 million tonnes, with a reduction of
-10.0% on May 2022. In the field of goods, various
enlivened 4,17 million tons (- 10.9%), of which 3,07 million
of tons of containerized goods (- 15.2%) realized with a
handling of container pairs to 302 thousand teu (- 9.5%) - included
175 thousand teu in import-export (- 0.1%) and 127 thousand teu in transit
(-19.8%) - and 1,09 million tons of conventional goods
(+4,0%). Liquid bulk also decreased with 1.19 million
total tons (- 7.1%), of which 850 thousand tons of hydrocarbons
(- 15.2%) and 340 thousand tons of other liquid cargos (+22.2%),
as well as solid bulk that stood at 458 thousand
tons (-9.3%).
Last month passengers in the Catalan port of call are
states 566 thousand (+83.4%), of which 441 thousand crocieristi (+106.2%) and
115 thousand passengers of the ferries (+28.9%).
In the first five months of 2023 the total traffic of
goods was 26.47 million tonnes, with a
contraction of -11.1% on the same period last year, of
Cui 13,80 million tons of containerized cargos (- 14.9%)
totaled with a container handling of 1.33
million teu (- 12.2%), 4,70 million tons of goods
conventional (0%), 5.84 million tonnes of liquid bulk
(- 14.6%) and 2,13 million tons of dry bulk (+5.9%). In the
segment of the passengers, the crocieristi have been 998 thousand (+127.4%)
and passengers of regular lines 473 thousand (+34.6%).