Costa Cruises will allocate a ship to itineraries carried out
exclusively in India and aimed primarily at cruise passengers
Indian. This is
Costa Serena that from November to January
Next will offer a total of 23 cruises from two to five
days that will visit Mumbai, Cochin, Goa and the Laccadive Islands.
"We have - underlined Roberto Alberti, deputy
Senior President and Commercial Director of Costa Cruises,
announcing the next positioning of Costa Serena - a
strong and lasting bond with this beautiful country, where we already have
sailed in the past with our ships and where many come from
our colleagues on board, whom we select through schools of
dedicated training based in India. We want to offer
Our Indian guests a unique holiday experience aboard
Costa Serena, and we can't wait to start our
operations in November. Costa Serena will be, therefore, the
largest cruise ship to make domestic itineraries
in India'. Costa Serena, gross tonnage of 114 thousand
tons, can accommodate up to 3,780 passengers.