Out of a total of 353 projects sent in response to the call for
submit proposals published in 2022, the European Commission has
selected 107 projects in the field of infrastructure
transport that will receive €6.2 billion of EU funds from
Connecting Europe Facility programme, the instrument
of the European Union for strategic investments in
transport infrastructure. More than 80% of funding will support
projects that achieve a more efficient network, more
Green and smarter than railways, inland waterways
and shipping routes along the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
In addition, the projects will strengthen solidarity corridors
EU-Ukraine set up to facilitate exports and imports
of Ukraine.
Main cross-border rail connections also
along the TEN-T core network, priority was given to
purposes of financing. Among these, in particular, the gallery of
Brenner base connecting Italy and Austria, Rail Baltica connecting
connects the three Baltic States and Poland with the rest of Europe,
and the cross-border section between Germany and the
Bass (Emmerich-Oberhausen).
The seaports of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Latvia,
Lithuania, the Netherlands and Poland will receive funding for
development of ground-based power supply to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from ships at berth.
To help make inland waterway transport
future-proof internal needs, the infrastructures along the
Seine-Scheldt cross-border waterways between France and Belgium
will be modernized. The inner ports of the Danube and Rhine are also affected,
like Vienna and Andernach, they will benefit from modernisation.
To further increase security and interoperability
of EU rail transport, the European management system
of rail traffic (ERTMS) will be installed on trains and
railway lines in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany,
Czech Republic and Slovakia. As regards the road network, different
EU Member States to deploy transport systems and services
intelligent (ITS), in particular cooperative ITS (C-ITS) for
safer and more efficient transport. Several Member States
receive support for European traffic management projects
air, in order to increase the efficiency of air transport and
creating a single European sky.
EU funds that are earmarked for projects involving
Italy amounted to €906.7 million, of which €14.7 million
relating to projects on the Italian territory only. The largest share,
amounting to EUR 700.0 million, is for the
Brenner Base Tunnel. To the Turin-Lyon railway project
EUR 44.5 million is earmarked. Funds also to interports, with 2.0
million for the Interporto - Centro Ingrosso di Pordenone and 3.1
million euro for the Centro Padano Interscambio Merci - CePIM
Parma Interport.