The Union Foundation Union Union sent a request for a meeting to all the signatory organizations of the Ccnl Unico dei Porti to "start a path that leads to the discussion of contract renewal". "We have already attached a summary document of the platform for the renewal of the national collective labour agreement from the points shared during the national assembly of port workers," the trade union said in a statement. of March 25 last year. Platform that will be further shared and presented during the upcoming assemblies in the various ports. All the most important topics have been entered. From the need for wage increases based on real inflation, to the topics of working hours, health and safety in the quays. " "We believe that the time has come for us to bring the reasons for port workers, after years of immobilisation and arrendevolity, even in the national tables," the National Coordination of the USB Porti said. All the more so in an increasingly strategic sector for the economy of our country. "