Federlogistica denounces that the digitalization of logistics
is failing and that, "on the eve of the presentation of the
2024 PNRR projects, interoperability of systems
computer science remains a utopia with dozens of often public systems
who do not communicate with each other and with the market". "We are
back - recriminated the vice president of the federation,
Davide Falteri - to the logic of the railways of the beginning of the century, with
each State with networks with tracks of different gauge
compared to those of the neighboring country. Only now it happens for
Operating systems that should rationalize, make efficient
and regulate logistics and therefore entire transport systems. For
Not only is there no European control room, but also the
individual states are dispersing resources in a thousand streams,
often designing under public guidance systems that do not dialogue
between them and that therefore on the one hand, reject the rules of the game that
they should be dictated by the market, and on the other, they disperse
resources'. "A supply chain - highlighted Falteri -
in which everyone proceeds independently, the systems
even more advanced operational as PCS (Port Community
Systems) are all incomplete and where the only examples of "dialogue"
between computer systems are partially provided by projects
Interreg with a limited range'.
Moreover, for the vice president of Federlogistica, the fact that
in 2024 projects related to interoperability of systems
logistics and transport should be financed under
of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan risks "
turning an opportunity into a failure destined to
affect the efficiency of the mobility system of
goods and therefore, consequently, also of the country's production system
which depends on efficient logistics."
"The experience of UIRNet - continued Falteri - is
Failed; The alternative is the transfer of
skills for digitalization at the Ministry of Transport has
need an acceleration to give answers to the entire sector. It is
It is essential to use strategically as soon as possible the
250 million available from the PNRR. Infrastructure development
dockers decided and started this year is likely to turn into a
boomerang if ports do not have a single code of dialogue
with the backports, with the production centers, with the systems and the
logistics operators and any extra containers that will have to
be absorbed by the logistics system Italy could only
increase the non-governability of the transport system and
of Italian logistics».