At the port of Genoa is arriving the container ship of
greater capacity to have ever touched the airport of the capital
Ligurian. This is the
MSC Nicola Mastro of the group
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) that between Friday and Saturday
next will land at the PSA Genova Pra' terminal. The ship
400 meters long and 61 wide, has a capacity
of over 24,000 teu. The container holder has been delivered
from the Chinese shipyards Hudong-Zhonghua in June and will be
baptized in Trieste on September 4th.
The terminalista company PSA Genova Pra' has specified
that, in view of the MSC Nicola Mastro stopover, the Corps
of the Port Pilots and the Port Authority have led to
completion of the appropriate technical checks to dock in total
Safety the first container ship of this size, being
The terminal accustomed to receiving and working ships of equal length
at 400 meters and width greater than 50, i.e. the measurements of ships
which have a container capacity between 17,000 and 20,000 teu.
The company has highlighted that the record landing is prepared by
time having carried on the company in the last three years
the necessary private investments in terms of training, safety
and technology with the aim of governing transport changes
maritime and then welcome ships with the new standards from 24,000
teu expected to arrive with increasing frequency in the Mediterranean
starting in the coming months.