In the second quarter of this year, the
decrease in the volumes of goods handled by transport services
combined in Europe. This was announced today by Ralf-Charley Schultze,
president of UIRR, the association that represents this sector
in Brussels, specifying that in the period April-June 2023 the
bending was -14.41% compared to the same period
of last year, reduction - it has highlighted - which is
comparable to the historical decline of -14.67% suffered during the second
quarter of 2020 when the strictest were implemented
lockdown to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Schultze pointed out that this is the third quarter
consecutive negative growth for European combined transport.
The president of the UIRR has specified that it also remains on the
"negative" means the index defined by the association for
reflect the sentiment of companies in the sector about the evolution
of the market in the next 12 months. Schultze explained that the poor
prospects for European combined transport are attributable
to the European economy that is going through a difficult period
characterized by high inflation, a weakening of the
consumer confidence, from the end of the availability of
abundant and cheap energy and numerous negative elements
which weigh on transcontinental trade, while, at the same time,
the competitiveness of combined transport in terms of costs
is deteriorating due to the increase in
access to tracks and high electricity prices of
traction, costs that compete with those of road transport that
recorded unchanged motorway toll prices and a fall in
diesel prices.
Specifying that the forecasts are of an economic transition
which will last at least until the end of 2024, Schultze has
stressed the need for
measures taken to support the combined transport sector,
such as the reduction of access rights to train paths or
tariff limits for traction electricity. Could
be useful - added the president of the UIRR - also
the timely implementation of European legislation adopted in the
in recent years, such as the Mobility Package or the amendment to the
Eurovignette Directive.