Commenting on a note from the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and
of Transport, Edoardo Rixi, announcing the approval of the
Marebonus regulation and, in particular, the ok to the decree
interministerial MIT-MEF which regulates the modalities of
Allocation and disbursement of resources starting from the year
2023, the vice president and general manager of the Association
Logistics of Sustainable Intermodality, Marcello Di
Catherine, expressed satisfaction with the green light that - has
specified - "testifies to the attention of the Government and the
awareness of how necessary this incentive measure is
both for companies operating in intermodal maritime transport
as for the community, considering the considerable benefits
which produces in environmental, economic and social terms, which ALIS has
always highlighted and demonstrated».
"The news of this decree - added Di Caterina -
it is certainly very important because it guarantees
the disbursement of resources allocated from 2023 to 2026, equivalent to
21.5 million euros per year, and we remain confident that the government
will be able to find the optimal solution even for
lose the resources not yet disbursed for the year 2022 ».