The latest reading of the World Trade barometer
Organization to formulate short-term forecasts
on world trade development is 99.1,
indicating that the scenario is still variable. Highlighting
whereas this measurement is increasing compared to the previous one
reading of 95.6 last May, and is close to
base value of 100, the WTO explained that such a measure suggests
whereas the volume of trade in goods increased in the second
quarter after two quarters of decline, but remaining slightly
below trend. According to the WTO, a sustained recovery
In the third quarter of this year and subsequent months "it is
less than certain as long as the component of orders of
export of the barometer, which is based on the
purchasing managers, remains weak."
The World Trade Organization has specified that in the first
quarter of 2023 the volume of trade in goods is
decreased by -1.0% year-on-year and -0.3% quarter-on-quarter,
continuing the downward trend started in the last quarter
of 2022. Several factors - the WTO specified - contributed
declines, including high food prices and
energy related to the war in Ukraine and monetary policies
more restrictive aimed at combating inflation which are
have been adopted in advanced economies.
If barometer readings above the base value of 100
Reflect higher than trend business volumes and lower readings
to 100 suggest that trade in goods has fallen below
below trend or will do so in the near future, in the latest
readings most of the indices that make up the barometer
were slightly below trend: these include the index
of export orders (97.6), the transport index
maritime container (99.5), the air transport index (97.5) and
the commodity index (99.2). The main exceptions are
was the index of automotive products (110.8), which is
rose firmly above trend, and the component index
electronic (91.5), which fell below trend. In
in particular, the increase in exports of products
automotive contributed to a more
sustained than expected in Japan in the first half of 2023
and vehicle exports were also one of the few points of
Strength for the Chinese economy that in recent months has struggled to
gain momentum.